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With friends like these....

Start Date: Jan 9/08

End Date: On Going.

Participants: FOD vs. Philosophe Knights and The Spartans

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” - Martin Luther King, Jr

The MCM Academy (St. George's Hospital in Greentown) gained the focus of the Flowers of Disease due to it's "neutral zone" policy, where bounty hunters and killers alike gathered without violence. During the scouting of the location, it was noted that many of the Philosophe Knights and Spartans abused this neutral zone nature, hunting in the surrounding area before returning to a "safe zone" to sleep. This abuse of such a ridiculous idea brought the ire of the FOD, and when it was time to strike the MCM Academy, the first targets sought were PKers and BHers frequenting this abomination. Both Philosophe Knights and Spartans fell during the strike, but rather than learn their lesson, they decided to protect their misguided beliefs and have sided with the survivors running this pathetic love-in. Threats of war followed, and the FOD accepted - these Flower Children are not hippies.

Friends taught their lesson

  1. Vigilis, first blood in the War
  2. Jorgo Mono
  3. Barak Steele
  4. Jorgo Mono, already seeking seconds
  5. Leroy Jankens, first Spartan to fall



FOD - 5

Philosophe Knights/Spartans - 2

Jan 12/09

  • Barak Steele falls to Peter McGrady's axe, as revenge for his prior retalliation. Perhaps this time he will learn to stay down.
    • Darlocke flexes his muscles with the heads of both Jorgo Mono and Leroy Jankens.

Jan 11/09

  • Rob Collick receives a reply from Vigilis, in the form of a knife in the back.
    • Toothdecay kills retired FOD member Puki, and in doing so, sparks his return to the fold. The Spartans will now fall all the quicker.

Jan 10/09

  • The first blood of the war falls. Standing over Vigilis' body is Rob Collick.

Jan 9/09

  • "A plain white mask with a dead flower stuck through the mouth is left on the FoD's doorstep. Attached to the mask's strap is a letter."

The Philosophe Knights have declared war upon the FOD. The Spartans request a cease-fire be arranged, or they too will join the fray. The FOD accept their hostilities.

Jan 8/09

  • Retalliations by the PK members, as Peter McGrady dies at the hands of Officer Sam Jackson and Barak Steele.

Jan 7/09

  • The original FOD attack on the MCM. 2 Philosophe Knights and 1 Spartan are killed in the initial strike, amongst 7 members of the MCM and another unaffiliated PKer.