Chivalrous Sophists

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Revision as of 05:20, 9 March 2009 by RH (talk | contribs)
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Chivalrous Sophists (CS)
Abbreviation CS
Group Numbers A quality, not quantity
Leadership Philosophes
Goals To further the cause of humanity and of education through positive reinforcement
Recruitment Policy We are both accepting and exclusive, in a way. We prefer rather intelligent students, understandably. If you wish to join this prestigious group, knock here.
Contact Forum or

Of the Order of the Philosophe Knights, the Chivalrous Sophists constitute a survivor contingency. A devoted core of exemplar educators, the Sophists do not use violent means against fellow survivors to aid humanity, but offer a helping hand in times of need.

introduction and other information

(Here go things of an introductory nature.)

Oaths, Applied and Theoretical

A Brief Codex of Names

The Philosophe Knights
The Order of the Philosophe Knights

Past and Present Histories

Infinite Progression

Due Credit
This is based on the Philosophe Knights wiki design, created by Masque and greatly influenced by the designs of Sirens.