Tricell Pharmaceutical Company

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Tricell Pharmaceutical Company
Abbreviation: T.P.C.
Group Numbers: Six
Leadership: Rohanzap
Goals: These are listed below
Recruitment Policy: These are listed below
Contact: Tricell forums

Tri-Cell Pharmaceutical Company

The TriCell Pharmaceutical Company was founded by the Travis family, and by 2009 was run by Excella Gionne (whose grandmother was Emelia Travis) in 2008. Tri-Cell was before its dissolution Umbrella Chemical Inc.'s main rival. Now that the Umbrella Corporation has been dissolved thanks to the actions of the US government following the Racoon City disaster Tri-Cell is the worlds leading pharmaceutical company.

Currently the company has extended its area of influence into the city of Malton to conduct "research". Several military squads of Tri-Cell's own personal "Trashsweeper" unit have been seen operating in the area and collecting tissue samples from the undead and data pertaining to the outbreak.

Recently there have been rumours about the true nature of the company. It seems to be operating bery closely with a certain Albert Wesker who is believed to be an operative for the company. As of now it is unknown if Tricell Pharmaceutical Company is the official name of "the Agency" and "the Organization," both of which are believed to be shady controllers of world affairs.

It is rumoured that they have already got samples of the infamous T and G viruses. In 2003 there was an incident involving known biological terrorist Curtis Miller and the WilPharma Corporation. It is believed that Miller had managed to aquire a sample of the G-Virus and had ingested it. The resulting mutations caused him to become a creature known simply as G. G lived only to spread on its genes and did so by trying to inseminate those with a close genetic match to itself (close family: Brothers, sisters etc.). These people would be inseminated with a G-Embryo which would eventually cause them to mutate into one of the creatures themselves. G was thankfully destroyed by US agent Leon S. Kennedy before any outbreaks could occur.

It has since come to light that the WilPharma CEO Frederick Downing orchestrated the plan in order to boost the price in stocks of the company and to sell on samples of the G and T viruses to the notorious General Grande leader of the Republic of Nagiri. As a result of the plan becoming known Downing was arrested and the WilPharma corporation went bankrupt. The TriCell Pharmaceutical Company has currently offered to purchase WilPharma.


We are a pro survivor group.

We are currently operating out of Foulke's Village.

If you wish to join please contact the group through the forums.

Recruitment Policy

These are the rules for application:

  • The player must apply through the forum. The link is above.
  • The player must intend on playing as a survivor.
  • The player must not be part of another group, however exceptions can be made.
  • A player that was once part of a GK'er or PK'er group must stop fraternising with them and renounce all links to that group.
  • A player that was once a zombie spy must cease such activities.
  • A player caught relaying information from this group to another without consent can find themselves being given a dishonerable discharge from the group and rapid placement on the Kill On Site list (KOS)
  • The player must respect others in the group
  • People must use English. Good grammar and punctuation are highly recommended.




Non-Agression Pact Members


Tricell2.jpg TPC Employee
This user works for the Tricell Pharmaceutical Company


Tricell Pharmaceutical Company