UDWiki:Open Discussion/Wiki Status

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Current Wiki Status

Say what you want about the current sysops, but this era has seen the least amount of uncategorized images, uncategorized pages, and unused files. The disambiguation links were fixed and many of the merged locations have been fixed. If we could come up with a way to deal with orphaned pages (other than linking the few that shouldn't be orphans in the first place) I have a feeling those would be under control, too.

Other Sysop Functions

Other than bitching about A/VB, A/D, A/SD, and A/M is there any other area that needs to be worked on? I'm curious about what other janitorial tasks that everyone feels needs to be done.

====My Thoughts====

Personally,.... I think that many of the moderators do an excellent job. My only wish is for them to come out into the lime light a little more. It seems to me like there is so much being done, between moderatin discussions on policies, maintaining pages (i.e, A/SD, A/D, ect.), Vandalism Cases, Moderation, and Arbitration that they don't always get as much credit as they deserve. I think it would be cool to thank them in some way, perhaps by having a [single] page logging all changes made by moderators. It could be organized by moderator, with a list of their changes beneath them, that way the community would know exactly how much they do,.... instead of Bitching like some people do. --Poodle of doom 20:54, 20 July 2009 (BST)