
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 15:19, 4 April 2010 by Deathwire (talk | contribs) (Up to date)
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Not Available
Joined: 2006-10-18 03:45:59
Character class: Scientist
Favorite equipment: Sculpture, FAK, Knife
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Wisp
Character group: Dulston Infection Treatment and Prevention Squad
Character stats: +50 Sculptures placed
Journal: Not Available for Deathwire

Short Story Submission because I suck at using the Wiki and thus cannot remember how to make another page

Deathwire busted through the door of the sculpture museum. There was no time to waste. A zombie horde of fifteen thousand would arrive at the museum at any second. Deathwire ran from corridor to corridor, gently placing the sculptures onto his massive manly shoulders. The building was falling around him.

Zombies were destroying the structure from the outside, bent on destroying the last piece of culture Dulston had. Deathwire was sure that he could escape with every sculpture. The door that he had foolishly busted down, however, disagreed. Zombies poured into the museum. Deathwire fought heroically but, alas, could not win. With his dying breathe, he cursed them to a fiery doom. In this final moment, the sculptures came to life and, being superior beings, destroyed the zombies.

“Your sacrifice was not in vain” the sculptures assured the dying hero. “We will save Dulston from its lack of culture.”

Before Malton

Deathwire claims to have studied Physics at the prestigious Oxford University. It unknown as to why he goes by the alias of Deathwire, as he usually gives about twenty different stories about how he came up with the name and why he uses it. He is notorious with spending large sums of money on the blackjack tables, including the majority of the funding given to him by the government for the D.I.T.P.S to be established(allegedly). When asked further about his life before Malton, he ran off claiming that some hooligans were going to spray paint over his tag and that he must protect his precious hospital.

Socialist Template.png Socialism
This User or Group supports the concept and ideals of Socialism, and their induction into Malton society, through the maelstrom of the Zombie epidemic.
Deathwire.png The Complimentary Award for Epic Fail in Orange

Deathwire, Imperial lord of the D.I.T.P.S, has been given the complimentary award for epic fail in Orange! Yaaaay!