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I'm a somewhat old UD player who joined around 2005. I've never bothered with the wiki and meta-gaming until now, apart from checking the various boards for important events.


I had other older characters but i don't use them anymore.

Serial Kicked

Dedicated zambah eating silly harmanz. You'll usually see him lagging behind the [MoB] and other major groups or harassing NT buildings.

Nogo.jpg No Escape
This user ate escaping harmanz.
Dawn dead.gif Salt The Land
SerialKicked supports the Salt the Land policy.
Xoclock.jpg Punch In
This user or group supports X:00 tactics.


Your average nice guy repairing the damages done by the horde and healing people around.

RiverlogoS.gif Supporter of River Tactics
I flow into the void.
Dual nature.JPG Dual Nature
This user supports the
Dual Nature Policy.

Attended Events