User talk:Alex Yamata

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Alex Yamata Alex Yamata's Talk Page Hyper-Umbrella Corporation

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I've left the wiki and the game.
I can be contacted at


--•▬ ▬••▬ • •••• •▬ ▬•▬• ▬•▬ #nerftemplatedsigs 13:50, 4 April 2012 (BST)

Houghton Towers

As a piece of advice, it usually doesn't end well if someone requests any peace from an anti-survivor group. Twice so if it are the goons.

The goons have had their stronghold in the DHPD turf for some 5 or 6 years now, and they are not going to leave anytime soon. There are plenty of actual ghost towns with no recognizable survivor or zombie presence. You would stand a better chance if you picked a suburb that doesn't require you to constantly rassle with a major zombie group. Look at this article while you are at it: Starting a New Group (Survivor) -- Spiderzed 17:38, 10 July 2014 (UTC)

"you have shown some sort of intelligence, even as zombies" is not a good thing to say to a large group of goons. And like Spiderzed said, they've been around since 2008- I certainly would not be expecting them to leave anytime soon if I were you Alex. A ZOMBIE ANT 10:24, 12 July 2014 (UTC)

Discussion --- Alex Yamata Pres/CEO HYPER-UMBRELLA P! 14:17, 23 July 2014 (UTC)


  • poke poke* Hi! --DBHT 03:16, 21 July 2014 (UTC)

Just saw you were making edits on the wiki, and figured I'd stop by and say howdy. --DBHT 20:12, 21 July 2014 (UTC)

Sorry, don't have a zombie only character. Besides this one, I have 3 others that I'm running. It gets tough trying to do certain things with each one and keeping them away from each other. --DBHT 01:34, 22 July 2014 (UTC)

Image size

Hey, would it be possible to reduce the file size of this image? The Recruitment page has a 56KB limit on the images used in an ad, and yours in always twice that. Google has some suggestions for how to do so. Aichon 14:47, 21 July 2014 (UTC)

"And yours in always twice that" I can't seem to understand this, but the rest, yeah sure! --- Umbrella Corp.gif Alex Yamata 14:48, 21 July 2014 (UTC)
Gah, this is what happens when I type before my first coffee. I meant to say "is almost", not "in always". Not sure how that happened. Aichon 15:29, 21 July 2014 (UTC)
Hehehehe --- Umbrella Corp.gif Alex Yamata 15:30, 21 July 2014 (UTC)


Did Zombra ask you to make a user page for him, or give you permission to? A ZOMBIE ANT 11:59, 22 July 2014 (UTC)

Discussion --- Alex Yamata Pres/CEO HYPER-UMBRELLA P! 14:15, 23 July 2014 (UTC)

Since you didn't want to talk at DDR's page...

I haven't stated any names, but for the record; don't act all high and mighty on your Psysop horse. You know everything you've done and don't act all scared because I made a threat. Obviously I'm not going to tamper with anything, so don't pretend like you're concerned. [...] If we need to talk to each other, it should be on our Talk pages[...]
Said by Alex Yamata

Look, I'm not interested in picking a fight. I'm just confused. Exactly what do you think I've done? As far as I know, the only thing I've done to upset you was make this comment, which was obviously said in-character (and you have a giant RP notice on your userpage, so I thought you'd understand IC vs. OOC). As I said on DDR's page, every other interaction I've had with you (excepting the last few on DDR's talk page) have been pleasant ones. If you think I've done anything else to you (or your friends), you're mistaken, and I'd like to get the bad blood cleared up between us.

If you think I'm behind whatever has been going on with you or your friends in-game, I'm not. Here's a list of all my characters. Take a look through them, and I'm sure you'll quickly realize that I've never interacted with you or anyone else from your group in-game. If the Knights are giving you a hard time, it's been without my involvement. We act independently, and my PKer has been occupied with the Block Party for the last month.

I'm not interested in dredging you through the past, and as I said on DDR's page I was content to let the discussion end right then and there, but your subsequent response has made it clear that you have a serious beef with me, and if it's something besides that comment I made, you need to give me an opportunity to respond, since I have no clue what you're even accusing me of. Aichon 15:57, 8 August 2014 (UTC)

Okay, you wanna know what I'm pissed about? What you said in that comment was just ironic and hypocritical to the whole PK's, as we have literally dropped Umbrella Corporation, I no longer want anything to do with them. At first I wanted to be a part of it, but Fanglord himself is just holding up in a paddock being defended by the last remaining members, hr has no plans to do anything new in U.D. and has made it obvious he gives no shits to my suggestions, even rejects them on sight. The group doesn't even roleplay, so there's nothing for it. Fanglord has taken command of a sinking ship and forcing the crew to go down with him. Hyper-Umbrella could essentially be the definition of learning. As I roleplay it as knowing no science held by Umbrella and wanting to learn more science than Neo Umbrella and Umbrella combined. The "secret agenda" behind Hyper-Umbrella Umbrella literally was to make willing subjects into powerful experiments stronger than the largest groups of zeds. That was it. It doesn't want to cure it because when the disease is cured people will just resort to aurvival of the fittest instead of what they ahould be doing; surviving together. HUC can be ignorant for believing they can make a better world, but the goal is not, and ignorance breeds intelligence. You can't be smart without being stulid first.
Now, you wanna know what I'm pissed about? I'm pissed that U.D. is dying , I'm pissed I can't play without some random jerkoff killing me and all my friends at once; I wouldn't care if the game wasn't dead and it didn't take a month to get revived - - if we die, all we have to count on are random travelers. I hate that everyone judges me and my group without even trying to understand either. I don't ask for much and i give a lot. I'm not asking people to have sympathy for me or treat me right, I just wish people could be merciful. I'm pissed that the only part of the game that is left is being forced away from me. Roleplaying makes me happy, friends make me happy. And I don't have the time in life like you do. --- Alex Yamata Pres/CEO HYPER-UMBRELLA P! 23:57, 8 August 2014 (UTC)
For the record Alex, I have given consideration to the ideas you presented to me (I broke down all of my reasoning for you); however, due to the state the game is in, they're not viable. A few years ago I would have been very open to starting sub-groups of UC; however, we currently have 10 members at the most (With sporadic activity, myself included) which makes it very difficult to do what you've proposed. In addition to this, with been friendly with you as much as possible, extended the offer of an alliance after you departed the group, some of our members even helped you with your group (To my knowledge). Normally I don't care what others say/think of me as often their opinion means nothing to me; but, I don't appreciate the spread of misinformation, especially in regards to UC (As troubled as our ridiculous past is).
It is true that I have no intentions of doing anything overly new in UD. Myself, and the other members remaining in UC, have decided to instead take a very relaxed approach to the game as of the last few years. Occasionally, we go on Operations; but for the most part, we roam around in UD and just have a good time on our forums. We also try our hand at different games from time to time, just to see what's out there and if there's something our members may be interested in.
As for me taking command of a sinking ship and forcing everyone down with me... They're all within regulations (As per our Umbrella Corporation Legislation) to kick me out and stick a new guy in; no one has a gun to anybodies head. I don't know what your issue is with myself, UC, or anybody else; however, I'm more than willing to talk about it if you so wish. Myself, members of UC, nor anyone else wishes you badly. But please, if you can refrain from spreading inaccuracies, that would be greatly appreciated. --Chairman Fanglord, 01:53, 9 August 2014 (UTC)
You want to complain that the game is dying? I've been playing since 2005. You don't know the half of it. The game was already much declined by the time you even started playing. You never saw 2000 survivors inside Caiger Mall face off against 1500 zombies in Mall Tour '06. And you know what? I'm happy that the game is still alive.
You complain that it's hard to get revives? I've no sympathy. My characters who openly wear the tags of PKer groups have no problem whatsoever getting revived at active revive points by people not in their groups. My characters who wish to be zombies get combat-revived so often that I've sometimes wound up making multiple pinatas in a week. I have literally spent weeks sleeping on the streets without dying, and my survivor has never been killed by zombies.
Don't complain about the game being too hard. Learn to play it. All you've done so far is convince LC that his assessment of Ignorance was accurate. Ignorance breeds intelligence? The point isn't of being stupid, but of refusing to learn. And don't take things out on people who were not responsible. Lashing out at and insulting Aichon? Uncalled for. Feel free to lash out at me instead if you really want to.
You talk of roleplaying, when you can't seem to separate in-character and out-of-character yourself. Aichon's comment on the PK's talk page was in-character. My shooting your friend with my character, Lexen Chelseer, was in-character. Were it my RRF character who had been in the area, I might have broken in and eaten you guys. Were it my KT character, I might've been building barricades and reviving you instead. Same with Aichon, had any of his characters even been in the area at any point. --Keolah 02:06, 9 August 2014 (UTC)