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"At the start of the outbreak, many people attempted to flee, a few embraced it." Thats my motto. I may be a dead and rotting excuse for a human but hey, ive got feelings too! thats why i work for the living. As an undercover zombie i can easily infiltrate any zombie organization unharmed and return with plenty of information. I am fluent in both zombie and human communtication and can use it to my advantage. If you see me, take pity. Because im a low level, im in a tight spot, and im trying my best to be understood. And to zombie hunters, ive got nuthin against you guys, heck, ive worked for a few. if u need a few experiance points go ahead and take a few swings, but please no headshots! see i can be helpful! i am a zombie, i am not human. I work for humans, which conflicts with zombie nature. I am an outcast inside my zombie race. All i ask is that you try and accept, acknowledge, and use my abbilities in a way both me and you can agree with. Rock on and Live on. And oh yeah, i aint got NOTHIN against zombies cuz i am one, but i just wont do no work for you guys. Sorry zombies!(i may seem rude to my fellow zombies, but its just cuz i dont like brains!!!!)


I am Betrayer, Not yet employed Anime Artist Zombie Human Rocker Poet And follower of all humans. Hunter or not. (-X_x)+(-O_O)= VICTORY FOR THE HUMAN RACE

Charges Humans-Free Zombie-More than you can afford

NOTICE: Haha, im stuck in a mall and people keep killing me before i can get out!!!! help me someone!!!!!