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Real-Life Information

Name - Kel
Home - Chicago (USA)

In-Game Information

Though he does not belong to any actual groups in-game, he has a very loose association with Oblivion Folder, being a long-standing member of the forum from which the group originated, as well as being introduced to Urban Dead through that forum.

Valorai is the player of five characters:

Active Characters

Valorai is Kel's main character, and lives based on a "play as you are" policy, where whichever side he wakes up to find himself on (Survivor or Zombie) he will play that side. As a survivor, he tends to focus on revives in hostile areas, while as a zombie, he seeks out major buildings and attempts to make break-ins on them.

Aryae is Kel's newest character, and will hopefully spend the majority of his early days as a Survivor building up the initial experience needed. He has a "play as you are" policy, and will not seek out neither revives nor death.

Selyae is a revive-based Survivor. Her primary location is the Haslock NecroTech Building in Chancelwood, and makes frequent trips to the local revive points.

Retired Characters

Altyan, retired 5 September, 2006. Altyan was Kel's second main character, who shared the "play as you are" policy. He is found as a zombie in Pritchard Grove Railway Station, in New Arkham (the furthest south-west room in the game).

Anyae, retired 1 November, 2006. Anyae was never more than semi-active, generally only played when one of Kel's main characters were unableto do anything (should one be waiting on a revive or to be killed) and as such, never very much action. As such, he was given Brain Rot and was most often lying dead in the street. He is along-side Altyan at the Pritchard Grove Railway Sation, in New Arkham.

External Links

Dragon's Eve - Kel's not-quite-defunct website
El Goonish Shive - A very good web comic
Dominic Deegan - Another good web comic