User:Team Meat/Death Knell part.2

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Malton chronicle.jpg This story is part of the Malton Chronicles.
This story is fan-made, and is not officially part of any background history for Urban Dead.

Half an hour passed as Clarke lay in the confessional box. The slatted windows allowed a little light on to his face, he hadn't come round yet. MacLane was also sitting in the confessional, on the priest's side, she imagined she was a clergy man listening to the sins of past citizens.

Her radio crackled and she strained to hear the message coming through. There was interference from something. The radio whirred and beeped. MacLane smacked the underneath with her palm. The crackling continued, but the message was beginning to become a little clearer.

"What is your location?"

"We are in St. Palinus's Church, we require imediate aid, man down."

"Ha Ha, okay, we'll be over in two minutes. And lay off the the radio speak."

The transmission ended and MacLane felt a sudden wave of relief. Help was on its way, she looked through on Clarke who was still out cold. He looked peaceful, which in this dark and distressing time was terrifyingly unsettling. There was a loud knock on the old wooden doors to the church which reverberated off the walls and around the inside. MacLane opened the door a crack and could see a trio of survivors. "You need assistance?" asked the one carrying a battered radio. She nodded and lead them in. "It's my friend," she said "he took a bad fall and I can't move him on my own." MacLane gestured towards the confessional where Clarke was unconsciuos.

Two of the group moved over to Clarke whilst the third pushed the church door shut. They placed their hands under his arms and hoisted him into the air. The third, who was wearing a tattered red polo shirt and scruffy jeans walked over to Clarke. He examined the back of his head and lifted up his eyelids, he was outcold.

"Put him down, and kill the bitch." He spun round and walked over to MacLane, she prepared to defend herself, but was over powered by the three men. She kicked out but they were too strong. She managed to break free but she had nowhere to go. She looked around for something to defend herself with and found the brass crucifix covered in zombie brains. She swung it round and the men backed off. "Just fucking shoot her" said the head honcho. The two other guys pulled out a 9mm each and took aim at MacLane. As they took aim something broke through the church door. It was a ten strong team of zombies, the man in the red shirt tried to run but couldn't get far enough, the zombies grabbed him and started tearing at his body, ripping meaty chunks from his flesh, in seconds he'd been torn to pieces in a bloody flurry. The other men shot at the zombies but they kept coming.

MacLane ran to Clarke and dragged him along the floor pulling him away from the battle scene. She dragged him by the sleeves to the back of the church towards the vestry. She could hear the screams of the two men as the zombies ate them. She barricaded the door with whatever she could lay her hands on. "Please wake up, please wake up." She whispered to Clarke kneling by his side.

She shook her head part in disbelief part in complete annoyance at how she had been tricked by a person killer group. (People who would attack other survivors either to rob them or for sick kicks.) She sat with her back to the barricades as the ten strong hoarde tried to force their way in, a single tear ran down her cheek. Here she was, out of ammo against a hungry group of zeds whilst her friend lay out cold on the vestry floor. This was surely the end, she could almost hear the bell toll. She prodded at Clarke with the toe of her shoe, willing him to get up.

A hand came crashing through the door, the zombies were managing to get in, forcing their way through to the duo. MacLane was suddenly in full floods of tears, this was her time. But if this was her time she was gonna go fighting.

Before MacLane could do anything she heard a rain of fire, the zombies stopped in their tracks. Gun fire echoed round the church and just in the nick of time another survivor group had come to their rescue, or atleast this was the story she'd tell Clarke when he came round. She'd be ambiguous about the details but wouldn't give him too much information. It would cruch his ego to know he'd been saved by a woman.