Big Game Ruin Hunting

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Why doesnt this page exist? --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 13:50, 16 August 2009 (BST)

Didn't have the time. And wan got to it before me with the talk page to his Big Ruin Repair template. --DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION-- 14:37, 16 August 2009 (BST)
Template_talk:ExtremeRepair/Gallery. I'd be happy to copy them over here for a fun project. You game? --DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION-- 14:39, 16 August 2009 (BST)
Having an alt in 404 and another one still running around borehamwood, its kind of second nature. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 14:41, 16 August 2009 (BST)
Well you better start putting your money where your mouth is ;) --DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION-- 14:59, 16 August 2009 (BST)

A player repairs a building for 92 AP.

Big Game Ruin Hunting refers to the competitive sport of repairing ruins for the most amount of AP possible. It was made possible with the May 2008 "Decay" feature of ruins.


Since the quarantine in Malton, all usable cranes have since broken down, drastically increasing the AP cost of building repair.

The sport "Big Game Ruin Hunting" was initially coined by the Beatbox Kids and 2 Cool as a competition to see who could get the highest amount of negative AP in one turn. This would be achieved by going into heavily decayed buildings and using ones last AP repairing it, making your AP go into extreme negatives. The first one of these competitive repairs was made in August 2008 by DanceDanceRevolution, and was followed by others through the Ruinbrag template. Note that DDR's initial achievement was quickly surpassed by several players as time went on.

Some months after BGRH became defunct, WanYao created the ExtremeRepair template and with it a gallery for users to upload their repairs. This started the creation of what he dubbed the "3-D Repairs", which were repairs that cost over 100 AP. Since this, 404 in particular have used the ExtremeRepair gallery as a playground for their impressive repair records.