Desu Nōto/Death Note

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Revision as of 16:15, 14 August 2011 by Axe Hack (talk | contribs)
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Desu Nōto‎: How to Use It
  1. The person whose UDID is written in this note shall die.
  2. If the cause of death is written, it will happen.
  3. If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die.
  4. The conditions for death will not be realized unless it is physically possible to do in Urban Dead.
  5. The Death Note will not affect those under level 10.
  6. “Suicide” is not a valid cause of death.
  7. When the UDID is written more than once, the one which was first filled in will take effect.
  8. When a UDID belonging to an alt of a member of this group is written, the member's alt will still be a valid target for all other members of the group.
  9. The note does not care if a person whose UDID is written down is currently a Survivor, Zombie, or PKer.
  10. Anyone, regardless if they are a group member or not, is allowed to write in the note.

Note to all Death Note Holders: If you claim a kill, strike out the target's name and place a screenshot of the kill next to it.

Kill list

Place your desired deaths here:

Dante Bosch [1] - Death by toolbox/toolkit.

Audacious [2] - Death by toolbox/toolkit.

Juan Cabrillo - Death by pistol.

Dhoomdealer - Death by pistol.

D Trump - Death by punch.

Moodie The Great - Death by stabbing or golf club.

Leon Silverblood - Death by Pumpkin.

penguinpyro - Death by gunshot.

Axe Hack's Mudkip

Julie Marsh - Death by a woman's soft kiss and Cricket Bat.

For a UDTool/UdWidget formatted list of those written in the Death Note, please go here.