Lejnair Case Files

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Okay, big problem happenin'.

I've been monitoring this situation for about a week as the group the dead of Dunell Hills grew very large very fast.

Okay, I noticed that this group's membership tripled by friday. By Saturday, it was up to 611. Today, it's 727. Thier average level? 5. Somebody needs to do somethin' I tell ya. The group is the top 3 group. Heres what it says on the Stats page:

Group Known Members Average Level Rating
Feral Undead 251 25 6411
Ridleybank Resistance Front 159 31 4955
the dead of Dunell Hills 727 5 3788
U.S. ARMY INFANTRY 131 26 3506

The first number is the amount of members, second average level, third is the rating. The dead of Dunell Hills was never a major group and now their membership increases by a hundred in a night? This is just wrong.

Several hours later:

This as of 1935 hours Central Time:

the dead of Dunell Hills 839 5 4240

Either there multipying like rabbits or their zerging.
This is 112 more members than several hours ago!!!


New note:
there is also listed this group:
The dead of Dunnel Hills 25 3 86
And this one:
The Dead of Dunnell Hills 14 1 15

Apparently, the group creator created the wrong page several times. However, the group name is different than the one on the wiki group page area. Call me paranoid but I believe that these guys are massive zergers.

Got this reply on Kevan's page when posting my findings:

Most of them come from a particular Forum that has like a hundred thousand members with six thousand online at any given time... Looking at other games that SA has been involved in their numbers could easily hit 1800 and push somewhere into the 3k range... so yea they are a legit Horde and If they stay interested they will change the face of UD permanently. Conndraka mod TDHPD CFT 00:14, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

If this is a group made up of indvidual members...which looks odd considering they have almost no wiki page, various other groups that are misspelled versions, and their rate of recruitment is off the charts.

And that reply above? Just found out its from the guy who made the dead of Dunell Hills page. I also checked out the SA forums. While there was a forum area, most topics were spread days apart. A group this large would have new topics every minute! So unless I missed sonethin', there's something wrong here.

Will post more info as I get it.--MikhailA 02:14, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

the dead of Dunell Hills (or now The Dead)

Hello, it's Director Alexseev from Lejnair. I've several things I'd like to tell you.

First, this group is going to move east once they go through the corner. It's possible they have an agreement with the RRF as the RRF is cutting off the south area from the east area.
Second, this zombie hordes goal isn't to play the game, its to destroy it. They hope to make such an imbalence so that nobody will play. Posted on their forum:
"Just remember that every day you spend five minutes mashing that attack button is another day closer to our goal: a zombie horde capable of crushing these whining bitch pubbies and ruining their circlejerk."
Third, I have reviewed info on this mega-horde that is forming. First, they have a technique called 'kittenpiling' in which massive amounts of newie zombies gather at one point. There are two current kittenpiles named the East Coast Kittenpile and the West Coast Kittenpile. The one location that I know of where one is is at South Blythville. A few zombies then switch their group name to either nothing or a pro-survivor group. Then these guys get a revive and grab a flak jacket. Then they go into one of these 'kittenpiles' which tear them to pieces while granting others EXP. You can find out about their tactics here: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=2779558&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=40.
Fourth, apparently the survivors that are in UD are called 'pubbies'.
Fifth, these guys apparently use alts just to find a good place to start off in. "hoof it to a red suburb or just start making new alts until you get a nice starting place" was posted by andrew smash on their forum.
Sixth, here is a zerging confession: "I have two other characters, and each of them are at the Went Building." by Minimaul as found here: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=2779558&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=39.
Seventh, They are creating many lab assistants to gain easy EXP.
Eighth, they like to change their group names in order to get a revive. Check the supposed group's roster in order to find out if they are part of it. Since this takes much time though, I'd suggest that you just not revive any unknown, low level survivor.
Ninth, this is their New Zombies Plan and their Experienced Zombie Plans:
"Disco De Soto posted:"
"It's not too late to join in. Just follow this advice: KEEP CREATING A NEW ZOMBIE UNTIL YOU SPAWN CLOSE TO ONE OF THE KITTENPILES. That way you won't have to spend 3 days travelling and being bored. When you get to the pile, bite and don't stop biting til you are out of AP. Log in tomorrow, start biting again."
You don't need to kittenpile, obviously, since you already have all the useful zombie skills. So here's a plan from Zombie High Command to help out the newbies.
Go to the wiki and click on the neighbouring suburbs to where you are to find a revive point. For example, there is one at a cemetery (17, 75) in Wykewood, south of the Millington Towers kittenpile.
Stand there (so long as you don't have Brain Rot) and wait for a pubbie to bring you back to life. Then wait until you have enough AP and go stand in the middle of the kittenpile.
This accomplishes two things: it wastes the supply of pubbie syringes and it gives our new zombies some human flesh to work on.
IMPORTANT NOTE: if you have a "the dead of Dunell Hills" tag, you will probably be shot rather than revived. Go into your profile settings and either blank the tag or use some simpering pro-survivor pubbie group. You may also want to change your zombie description to something along the lines of "Sick of being dead, wants a revive!"
Tenth, these guys justify their actions by saying that the survivors are now mildly inconvineced and that's why were whining about them. Let's not forget that they are really out to destroy the game as evident in a number of their posts and even their public forum name: Come kill the living and destroy their city with us in Urban Dead! Let's fight back make sure that there is always Malton!--MikhailA 22:50, 27 February 2008 (UTC)


In spite of the recent vandalism, I simply have this to say to the dead of Dunell Hills:
Я уважаю умерших от Дунел Хиллз. Я согласен, что моя zerging утверждения в начале теперь неправильно. Тем не менее, я здесь, чтобы сделать один момент. Это то, что мне делать, когда я скучно. Я играю в городах мертвых, научно-исследовательских орды таких, как ваша, и разработать стратегию. Стратегия происходит естественным меня. Имея отца, который был в советское вторжение в Афганистан помогает Думаю. Но, это весело. И это не то, что они делают в настоящее время войны? Найдите то, что они могут по поводу врага, узнать их планы, и принять по ним? Во всяком случае, я согласен, что моя zerging alleagtions были неверно, и я извиняюсь. Вместе с тем, я ощущают необходимость это сделать, и вот почему. Лично я восхищаюсь Вашей группы для ваших планов, ваши способности, чтобы получить больших количествах, и неисчислимые разрушения Вы привнесете в. Я рассчитываю на этих боях приехать и дать вам мое содействие.--MikhailA 02:30, 28 February 2008 (UTC) MikhailA 03:00, 28 February 2008 (UTC)