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Note: Just because you notice something does not mean it has recently been implemented. Check the official news archives to see if it has already been implemented, and check the talk page for other players observations.


July 3

  • Hungry for convenience food, zombies have begun to distinguish feeding groans made inside secured buildings from those echoing through open doors.
  • Survivors with medical diagnosis training can now spot wounded members of a crowd more easily. However, dark buildings are now too dark for medical staff to assess other survivors at a distance.
  • Binoculars can now be used to scout for nearby landmarks on the skyline, when outdoors.
  • The military have lifted the block on secure radio transmissions from the city's two forts (25.97MHz and 25.98MHz). There are also rumours of an old emergency broadcast system hidden in an office building in Malton, broadcasting on 25.92MHz; searching the correct building will reveal it.
  • Urban Dead is four years old today. Zombies and survivors can salvage paper crowns from the city's nightclubs, for the day.

May 5

  • Urban Dead was moved to a new, upgraded server today - some players may experience DNS problems while it all migrates. If you're having problems, you can connect to the new server directly at
