The Skorpions

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Revision as of 23:45, 18 October 2008 by PFC (talk | contribs) (→‎Hip PK's)
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The Skorpions
431px-Pond gang.jpg
Abbreviation: TSK
Group Numbers: 5
Leadership: PrivateFirstClass,TheUnremarkableHulk, Johnny Rockett
Goals: Kill DEM and other pro-survivor groups,kill trenchies, be hip, say vintage 50's line as we kill folks, kill randoms just for a good time
Recruitment Policy: Recruiting
Contact: //


Cemetery stones 2.jpg PK Count
The Skorpions has PKed 13 people.

Tell me somethin' boss, you think the DEM is a big group of freams?

Wanna show those wet rags the word from the bird?

Think I'm writin' a book here?

Nah baby, I'm just a spaz. Come hang with me, don't be a party pooper.

Our Rap

Movin' from our Pad in Galbraith Hills, our gig is tryin' to pound on the DEM nerds and give them a big old knuckle sandwich wherever they go.

Maybe bein' hip we'll kill some square folks just because we're a cool crew like that. We're always lookin' to be cookin' other pro-survivor squares.

Two Rules

1. Don't kill other oddballs in the crew. 2.Don't kill other hip PKers unless I say it's cool, even if they whacked you first. We are Pkers, we are hipsters, so we cats gotta stick it out, you dig?

Where we operate

Everywhere we want to, nerd.


Come check out our pad, Daddy-O:

Don't be a square, tag a wall with our wiki page's tinyrurl:

Cool Cats that Chill with us


The Cobra Federation



Columbine Kids

Legends of Darkness

The Freams and Jive Turkeys

Imperium of Man



Malton Skeet Club/ BrainRot Revive Clinic



Anyone who acts like a fream to our allies, is not a fellow hipster.

Hip PK's

Trenchcoat volitile gets the word from the bird from TheUnremarkableHulk.

Another CDF nerd ethan gives PrivateFirstClass my first ever PK.

Trenchcoat PKRU member shadow helps me spread the word from the bird. (didn't have Iwitness working for awhile, so i ask you take my word on these)

Hulk cruises over some random guy. Hulk's a real oddball man.

I dropped two nerds in a day. First, this nerd turned hipster and then this jive turkey.

Joining in on the Browncoats fun, I found a Fortress nerd tryin' to be an actor in a crew of randoms.

Hulk's kill right here is the bee's knees. Malton's "Finest" gets the word from the bird by a true daddy-o.

This cat's profile at the time said he hurts "bad" people. I thought he needed to cool it.

TZH hangin' in Roftwood? Not in Hulk's pad!

More Fortress? You better believe it daddy-o. For bein' the best survivor group, these squares are pretty jive.

The Current Dig?

As of October 5, we have been giving CDF trenchies the word from the bird. So far, even though my computer is garbage at screenshots, we have 3 dead jive turkey trenchcoats. Pretty hip for our first time crusin' for a bruisin' i gotta say. Stay tuned for more hip and happenin' news daddy-o.

Hey hipsters! Movin' out of CDF land, now goin' to participate in a hosted PKer event. If you ain't there, you ain't hip baby, you're square.

Kickin' Templates

James-Dean.jpg The Skorpions
Hey, Daddy-o! {{{User}}} is one hip cat, and {{{he/she}}} ain't puttin' up with no jive, you dig?
What've you got.jpg What are you rebelling against?
This user is a rebel who may or may not have a cause.