UDWiki talk:Administration/Policy Discussion/Update Promotion Procedure(2)

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Essentially a copy of UDWiki:Administration/Policy Discussion/Update Promotion Procedure.
Original policy 2 and 3 would have passed under current policy (that got rid of the 20 votes minimum), but didn't, as the 20 votes rule was still enforced. Thus, I feel that the wiki has changed enough to make it sensible to resubmit these policies.
Policy 1 isn't included in this overhaul, as it wouldn't have passed under current policy, so that I feel that it would be a cheap tactic to try again to get it through without other significant changes having happened. However, the slight wording change from Policy 1 is included, as it didn't seem to draw as much as flak as the idea to raise the bar for new sys-ops. -- Spiderzed 14:52, 24 January 2011 (UTC)

Meh. It doesn't really need changing. Show me a sysop who used the "I am really strong in one criteria but not the other" card. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 14:57, 24 January 2011 (UTC)