User:Storm/Dr Henry Ross

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Dr Henry Ross


Dr Henry Ross is a American doctor who helps the survivors of Lockettside.



Henry does not affiliate himself with any group.




At a local hospital in the American port city of Boston a baby boy named Henry Ross was born. His mother was a reporter at the local news station, and his father was a famous inventor. Growing up Henry got mostly everything he wanted, and when he started school he naturally went to a private school. He got great grades from the minute he began, and even started playing the violin. His parents usually never had to raise their voices as he was a great child. By high school he was amazing at the violin, and got high grades. After helping a student to the school's infirmary he realized he wanted to help people. After finishing high school he went on multiple humanitarian aid missions. Before he started college he went onto one last humanitarian aid mission where he met Madeleine. After a brief encounter with Madeleine he went back home and went to college to become a doctor. Several months in he learned he was going to become a father. He moved to Madeleine's home in Manchester England where his son Peter was born. They got married, he finished at a University, and became a doctor.


A year later he was asked to come to a city named Malton to help treat a large amount of people who had become sick with a new disease. Reluctantly he said yes, and he was flown in through the nearest city. Once he got to the hospital he was assigned to it was already flooded with patients. After a couple of days things hit the fan, and he climbed into a air duct after seeing someone be ripped apart. He then heard more screams of terror. After they subsided he climbed out into the hell of the outbreak.


ZombieHand.gif Proud To Be Alive
This user is a survivor and proud of it.

Weapons.JPG Weapon of Choice
This user's weapon of choice is his mind.

Cemetery stones 2.jpg PK Count
Henry has PKed 0 people.