User talk:Mr chapel

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Now It Gets Interesting

You remember back when I was talking about minions, after I was attacked and accused of being a pk'er? Well, the little ***** came back, and assuming you arent allied in some way, which I trust you arent, I'd like some vengeance! I was going to let him go the first time... but he decided to attack me in the middle of a hospital unprovoked. So, heres my proof + a link to his profile. Enjoy! -- Danceyman 15:16, 15 September 2008 (BST)

PS: Since Im assuming you havent read this yet, why don't we make a game out of this? Whoever gets the kill first wins! If I can exact my own revenge before you get a chance to, then I get my pick of what I my favour is, hows bout that? -- Danceyman 05:01, 16 September 2008 (BST)

Dancey just doesn't get it!

Dancey... it doesn't work that way. I help people and they owe ME a favor or $1,000,000. If I was to kill this guy before you--- you would owe me the favor. You would not be doing me a favor by killing him... he hasn't bothered me. According to the page you showed me he obviously didn't like something you said about him. I just checked the BHS page... you accused Stone Cold Steve Austin of being #1 a friend of mine (I haven't met the man but I think I might like to) #2 a weirdo (your spelling - not mine) #3 a fake wrestler! #4 who knows what else you have done to the guy that you aren't telling me. Your record of telling the truth isn't the best you know. #5 Now you've called him a "little *****" You'll be lucky if he doesn't track you down and obliterate you.

We have a truce. The truce is still standing. That's does not mean I go after people who kill you. I protect innocents and frankly my truce-covered friend --- you don't qualify as an innocent. I also know you are very capable of taking care of yourself. I am sure you and this fellow will get to lay the smacketh down (wait, that's the Rock that said that wasn't it?) on each other sometime in the future if you both keep playing the game. Remember my rules!--Mr chapel 15:44, 16 September 2008 (BST)


To cover that first bit, what I meant by I pick my favour was, I'll do a favour for you in the future, but I get a say in what it is. Now to respond to the other parts. #1: I think I inquired as to whether he was a minion of yours. There was justification as you DO have people who do you favours and having two people come after me with intent to harm at the same time just seemed odd at that point. #2 He was! At that point I had only called him a wierdo (I mispell that word A LOT(I almost typed alot)) and a person... which must be REALLY offensive. #3 I have my doubts he's the real person. Unless he can prove otherwise, he's an impersonator. I'm quite fond of the saying "Pics or it didn't happen" and well, I think that applies quite nicely. #4 As far as I know... thats all I've done to him, and I still wouldn't call it lying. I REALLY don't know what else I could have done to him... It would have been nice if he told me. #5 It was justified.

And why dont I qualify as innocent in this one? As far as I know, we met three times. First time, was in I think Osmondville, where he and some guy named Ashton shot me to death. The second time was the other day when I was chilling in Josephine Hospital, where he said I said SOMETHING about him, then killed me. And the third time was a few minutes ago in Club Fort... WHY IS IT ALWAYS THERE, where I issued an opinion of What the heck? You're probably right though, we will settle this on our own. And as for whether the rock said that or not, I really wouldnt know... I can't stand wrestling. Anyways... I should have dealt with him within a day or so... Depending on if he kills me again tonite... Till next we meet, which may be soon, depending on if you goto the Fort at all... Type /dance -- Danceyman 05:19, 17 September 2008 (BST)


Nobody gets a say in what the favor is Dancey. My choice. You said "favour" are you British? Not that there's anything wrong with that. Just curious?

"Minion" to me implies underling. I have no underlings. I have friends, I have people who owe my favors, I don't have minions. Now, I know what you meant. I only say this for clarification. As I recall there were a lot of people that wanted to harm you at that time [the entire BHS nation perhaps]. Ashton? Kutcher? That's the first time I have heard of him. Why haven't you thought he was my minion? You also thought KC Griffin was a zerger of someone else because she had initials in her name! You've got letters in "Man" in your name does that mean you're related to Batman, Superman and Spider-man? Sometimes you see patterns where there aren't any. Silly boy.

You thinks he's weird. That's an opinion. But obviously for you to say that offended him. Your costly mistake apparently.

It is immaterial as to whether he's the real Stone Cold Steve Austin. in this game he claims he is just like I claim to be Chapel. I don't look like Michael Madsen nor do I have his bank account. It's all in fun. So if he wants to play Austin who are we to argue? Pics can be photoshopped. By the way, I followed that link you gave and clicked on his link and guess who's picture it showed? The Texas Rattlesnake. He's desrciption says it too. Is it the "real" one? Who cares. For our gaming purposes.. he is!

I said I didn't know if you have done more I didn't saying you were lying this time. But you must admit you have a spotty record with the truth. Ask Tex. (I am referring to the character Danceyman of course not the person behind the character...this ain't real life in Malton).

You just named three different places and then asked why it's always in one place. What's up with that?

I am no longer in the area of the Fort. Once we truced up it got kinda boring there. You were fun to fued with Dancey.--Mr chapel 23:51, 17 September 2008 (BST)


Yes, I said favour, but Im not British. Im actually Canadian, and we add u's to stuff aswell. Yes, I suppose your arguements in that are valid, however as a bit of a counter point, you dont claim to be the real Mr Chapel in the real world. It kinda feels like stoney does. True, my reasoning behind KC being a zerger was a little skimpy, but at that point, which I think was kinda early in the morning and my brain hadnt really kicked in yet, it did seem quite logical.

I think it was Ashton, no and not Kutcher, it was clarkson or something like that. It happened right after one of our debates, so I kinda thought you might have called in a favour from those two to go and kill me. Especially since I had never heard of them, yet they seemed quite well informed to the BHS side of the arguement. Anyways, till next time /dance -- Danceyman 17:36, 21 September 2008 (BST)

Calling in Favors

Alrighty then. Killing you was such fun in those days I did it myself (*sigh* good times). I rarely call in a favor since the uprising ... in fact I don't recall ever having done it in Malton... I might have... I just don't remember it. Canadian eh? I bet you guys hate that eh? You guys are what we would have been if we hadn't had George Washington. Our neighbor to the north. As Groucho would say... Moose country... you fit right in.--Mr chapel 23:15, 22 September 2008 (BST)

Canadians are Brits

So said Dr. Gregory House about Austrailians. They all have the same queen so they are British. I don't know if I agree with House but it's hard to fight his logic. If Hugh Laurie doesn't have a problem with House's logic who am I to argue? Danceyman is Canadian. That explains a lot. It's okay of course, he was born that way. He can't help it even if he wanted to. A lot of good people are Canadian... William Shatner, Lorne Greene, uh... and other people. Chris Jericho, Bret Hart and other wrestlers... but not Hulk Hogan... he is a real American, fighting for the right of every man. Steve Austin is from Texas so he's American. Okay... maybe I'm just tired. Is anyone even listening. Hello? --Mr chapel 03:55, 24 September 2008 (BST)


Well, I lied. Deliberitaly for once, I am kinda paying attention. Dont forget like, half the skilled part of the NHL, alot of the really famous players are Canadian. Not to mention that other than our political systems, where ours is better, that we're pretty similar. Other than the patrioticness. Americans are generally pretty flag crazy some times right? Its usually only the immigrant Canadians that are flag crazy up here. Thats usually because they've escaped from some crazy oiless dictatorship, so they're very thankful we took them in. And Pfft on your Texas, I've been there. It was pretty bland. And now its pretty wet and bland. Anyways... sorry if any of this offended you... It wasnt deliberate... This time... -- Danceyman 15:13, 25 September 2008 (BST)

America & Texas

No offense taken. You can't help it that you're wrong.

"Pfft" on Texas. Oh... I don't think so. Although the landscape can be monotonous it has much to offer. My other daughter (as opposed to the one who plays KC) lives there with her husband, a native Texan. But I do prefer forests and trees. Maybe we just haven't been to the right parts of Texas.

Canada's political system better than the USAs. I don't think so there either. But I don't mind you being loyal to your country so I'll let it go without an argument. We will have to agree to disagree on that point.

You are right about the NHL. Lots of good Canadian players. Of course the climates got a lot to do with that sport's history until more recent technology made it possible to skate in... say... Texas. But I'll hand it to Canada on that one.

Well... zeds to kill, wrongs to right, Vengeance to unleash.--Mr chapel 02:01, 27 September 2008 (BST)