Blackmore Bastards Brigade/Blackmore Barricade Run

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The Blackmore Barricade Run, as designed by Von Luthius, is as follows. It was removed from the Blackmore Bastard Brigade page after a few requests for the sake of aesthetics as well as the fact that we've got a hold of most buildings involved and don't need to strafe.

The Plan

Entry Points = Clubs and Churches:

  • Club Dury [56, 40];
  • Club Capps [51, 42];
  • Club Vaughan [54, 43];
  • Club Priscott [50, 45];
  • St Silverius’s Church [59, 47];
  • St Theodore’s Church [54, 48].

Start/End Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47].

Entry Points = Clubs and Churches:

Club Dury [56, 40]; Club Capps [51, 42]; Club Vaughan [54, 43]; Club Priscott [50, 45]; St Silverius’s Church [59, 47]; and St Theodore’s Church [54, 48].

Notes: Runs are written with the assumption that no zombies are present inside and include AP to repair ransacked buildings, close doors and Barricade the Building to Extremely Heavily Barricaded EHB. It is in the best interests of Barricaders to double up on the runs (i.e. Two Barricaders per Barricade Run Instruction) to enable the successful clearing of a building of any remaining zombies, dumping of bodies, repairing of ransacked buildings, closing of doors and barricading to EHB. Note also that Entry Points will state a certain amount of AP to be spent barricading to Very Strongly Barricaded (VSB). In this case, if a barricader reaches the VSB+2 point with any more barricading preventing survivors from entering, then the barricader must stop and any extra AP usage is ignored in this case. Also, the most important thing to note is, as with all my barricade runs, the run instructions are given with a set amount of AP usage. Follow the Instructions to the letter and all will be fine. A Very Important Note is, when the instruction says Barricade to a set level (i.e. EHB, and gives a value of 30 AP to use, a barricade has 3 levels to each tier of ‘cades, so if you reach EHB on your 20th AP, then only 2 more levels of EHB can be added, so once they have been added, any excess AP can be saved for personal use, and you can consider the Barricading of that building completed. Finally, the Blackmore Building has not been included in the Barricade Run Instructions as it is the start point and it is assumed that members of the Run are already inside the building and the barricades are up and completed and being maintained as it is also the end point of the run.

Barricader 1-10

1st Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block East to Billings Lane School [56, 47] = 1 AP. Barricade Billings Lane School [56, 47] to EHB = 30AP. Move 1 Block to the West to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 32 AP.

2nd Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block East to Billings Lane School [56, 47] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block East to Wriford Bank [57, 47] = 1 AP. Barricade Wriford Bank [57, 47] to EHB = 30AP. Move 1 Block West to Billings Lane School [56, 47] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the West to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 34 AP.

3rd Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North East to the Rodgers Building [56, 46] = 1 AP. Barricade the Rodgers Building [56, 46] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block to the South West to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 32 AP.

3rd Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North East to the Rodgers Building [56, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Boniface Library [57, 45] = 1 AP. Barricade Boniface Library [57, 45] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Rodgers Building [56, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South West to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 34 AP.

4th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North East to the Rodgers Building [56, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Boniface Library [57, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block East to Eugene General Hospital [58, 45] = 1 AP. Barricade Eugene General Hospital [58, 45] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block West to Boniface Library [57, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Rodgers Building [56, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South West to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 36 AP.

5th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North East to the Rodgers Building [56, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Boniface Library [57, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block East to Eugene General Hospital [58, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to the Scudamore Arms [59, 46] = 1 AP. Barricade the Scudamore Arms [59, 46] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Eugene General Hospital [58, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to Boniface Library [57, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Rodgers Building [56, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South West to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 38 AP.

6th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North East to the Rodgers Building [56, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Boniface Library [57, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block East to Eugene General Hospital [58, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to the Scudamore Arms [59, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South to St Silverius’s Church (ENTRY POINT) [59, 47] = 1 AP. Barricade St Silverius’s Church [59, 47] to VSB = 15 AP. Move 1 Block North to the Scudamore Arms [59, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Eugene General Hospital [58, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to Boniface Library [57, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Rodgers Building [56, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South West to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 25 AP.

7th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North East to the Rodgers Building [56, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Boniface Library [57, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block East to Eugene General Hospital [58, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to the Bagley Building [59, 44] = 1 AP. Barricade the Bagley Building [59, 44] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Eugene General Hospital [58, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to Boniface Library [57, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Rodgers Building [56, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South West to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 38 AP.

8th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North East to the Rodgers Building [56, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Boniface Library [57, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Glanvile Towers [58, 44] = 1 AP. Barricade Glanvile Towers [58, 44] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Boniface Library [57, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Rodgers Building [56, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South West to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 36 AP.

9th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North East to the Rodgers Building [56, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Boniface Library [57, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Glanvile Towers [58, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Acreman Road Fire Station [59, 43] = 1 AP. Barricade Acreman Road Fire Station [59, 43] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Glanvile Towers [58, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Boniface Library [57, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Rodgers Building [56, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South West to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 38 AP.

10th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Barricade Acourt Library [55, 46] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 32 AP.

Barricader 11-20

11th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Barricade Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 34 AP.

12th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Barricade Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 36 AP.

13th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to the Kenworthy Building [58, 43] = 1 AP. Barricade the Kenworthy Building [58, 43] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 38 AP.

14th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to the Kenworthy Building [58, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to a Warehouse [59, 42] = 1 AP. Barricade a Warehouse [59, 42] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Kenworthy Building [58, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 40 AP.

15th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to the Kenworthy Building [58, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to a Warehouse [59, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North to Pescod Bank [59, 41] = 1 AP. Barricade Pescod Bank [59, 41] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South to a Warehouse [59, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Kenworthy Building [58, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 42 AP.

16th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to the Kenworthy Building [58, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to a Warehouse [59, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North to Pescod Bank [59, 41] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North to Scarpendale Street Railway Station [59, 40] = 1 AP. Barricade Scarpendale Street Railway Station [59, 40] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South to Pescod Bank [59, 41] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South to a Warehouse [59, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Kenworthy Building [58, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 44 AP.

17th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North to Hollwey Street School [57, 43] = 1 AP. Barricade Hollwey Street School [57, 43] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 38 AP.

18th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North to Hollwey Street School [57, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Priestly Grove Railway Station [58, 42] = 1 AP. Barricade Priestly Grove Railway Station [58, 42] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Hollwey Street School [57, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 40 AP.

19th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North to Hollwey Street School [57, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Priestly Grove Railway Station [58, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North to the Reay Arms [58, 41] = 1 AP. Barricade the Reay Arms [58, 41] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South to Priestly Grove Railway Station [58, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Hollwey Street School [57, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 42 AP.

20th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North to Hollwey Street School [57, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Priestly Grove Railway Station [58, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Alkin Road Railway Station [57, 41] = 1 AP. Barricade Alkin Road Railway Station [57, 41] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Priestly Grove Railway Station [58, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Hollwey Street School [57, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 42 AP.

Barricader 21-30

21st Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North to Hollwey Street School [57, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Priestly Grove Railway Station [58, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Alkin Road Railway Station [57, 41] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Club Dury [56, 40] = 1 AP. Barricade Club Dury [56, 40] (ENTRY POINT) to VSB = 15 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Alkin Road Railway Station [57, 41] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Priestly Grove Railway Station [58, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Hollwey Street School [57, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 29 AP.

22nd Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North to Hollwey Street School [57, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Priestly Grove Railway Station [58, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Alkin Road Railway Station [57, 41] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Club Dury [56, 40] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to Coat Road School [55, 40] = 1 AP. Barricade Coat Road School [55, 40] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block East to Club Dury [56, 40] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Alkin Road Railway Station [57, 41] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Priestly Grove Railway Station [58, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Hollwey Street School [57, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 46 AP.

23rd Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North to Hollwey Street School [57, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Donn Boulevard School [56, 42] = 1 AP. Barricade Donn Boulevard School [56, 42] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Hollwey Street School [57, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 40 AP.

24th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to a Factory [56, 43] = 1 AP. Barricade a Factory [56, 43] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 38 AP.

25th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to a Factory [56, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Owens Crescent School [55, 42] = 1 AP. Barricade Owens Crescent School [55, 42] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South East to a Factory [56, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Bloomfield Grove Police Dept [57, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 40 AP.

26th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Margaret General Hospital [55, 44] = 1 AP. Barricade Margaret General Hospital [55, 44] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 36 AP.

27th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Margaret General Hospital [55, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North to a Warehouse [55, 43] = 1 AP. Barricade a Warehouse [55, 43] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South to Margaret General Hospital [55, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 38 AP.

28th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Margaret General Hospital [55, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North to a Warehouse [55, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to the Purnell Building [54, 42] = 1 AP. Barricade the Purnell Building [54, 42] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South East to a Warehouse [55, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South to Margaret General Hospital [55, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 40 AP.

29th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Margaret General Hospital [55, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Club Vaughan [54, 43] = 1 AP. Barricade Club Vaughan [54, 43] (ENTRY POINT) to VSB = 15 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Margaret General Hospital [55, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 23 AP.

30th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Margaret General Hospital [55, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Club Vaughan [54, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to Cribb Row Railway Station [53, 42] = 1 AP. Barricade Cribb Row Railway Station [53, 42] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Club Vaughan [54, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Margaret General Hospital [55, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 40 AP.

Barricader 31-40

31st Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Margaret General Hospital [55, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Club Vaughan [54, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to Cribb Row Railway Station [53, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to a Factory [52, 41] = 1 AP. Barricade a Factory [52, 41] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Cribb Row Railway Station [53, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Club Vaughan [54, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Margaret General Hospital [55, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 42 AP.

32nd Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Margaret General Hospital [55, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Club Vaughan [54, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to Cribb Row Railway Station [53, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to a Factory [52, 41] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to St Judes Hospital [53, 40] = 1 AP. Barricade St Judes Hospital [53, 40] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South West to a Factory [52, 41] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Cribb Row Railway Station [53, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Club Vaughan [54, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Margaret General Hospital [55, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Adalbert General Hospital [56, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 44 AP.

33rd Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Barricade Buttery Row School [54, 45] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 34 AP.

34th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North to a Warehouse [54, 44] = 1 AP. Barricade a Warehouse [54, 44] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 36 AP.

35th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North to a Warehouse [54, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Caswill Lane School [53, 43] = 1 AP. Barricade Caswill Lane School [53, 43] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South East to a Warehouse [54, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 38 AP.

36th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North to a Warehouse [54, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Caswill Lane School [53, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to a Factory [52, 42] = 1 AP. Barricade a Factory [52, 42] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Caswill Lane School [53, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to a Warehouse [54, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 40 AP.

37th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to a Junkyard [53, 44] = 1 AP. Barricade a Junkyard [53, 44] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 36 AP.

38th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to a Junkyard [53, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to the Whalen Arms [52, 43] = 1 AP. Barricade the Whalen Arms [52, 43] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South East to a Junkyard [53, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 38 AP.

39th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to a Junkyard [53, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to the Whalen Arms [52, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Club Capps [51, 42] = 1 AP. Barricade Club Capps [51, 42] (ENTRY POINT) to VSB = 15 AP. Move 1 Block South East to the Whalen Arms [52, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to a Junkyard [53, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 25 AP.

40th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to a Junkyard [53, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to the Whalen Arms [52, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Club Capps [51, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to the Combe Building [50, 41] = 1 AP. Barricade the Combe Building [50, 41] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Club Capps [51, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to the Whalen Arms [52, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to a Junkyard [53, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 42 AP.

Barricader 41-50

41st Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to a Junkyard [53, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to the Whalen Arms [52, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Club Capps [51, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to the Combe Building [50, 41] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North to the Lawson Building [50,40] = 1 AP. Barricade the Lawson Building [50,40] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South to the Combe Building [50, 41] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Club Capps [51, 42] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to the Whalen Arms [52, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to a Junkyard [53, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 44 AP.

42nd Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to a Junkyard [53, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to the Whalen Arms [52, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to Moggridge Place Police Dept [51, 43] = 1 AP. Barricade Moggridge Place Police Dept [51, 43] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block East to the Whalen Arms [52, 43] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to a Junkyard [53, 44] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 40 AP.

43rd Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to St George’s Hospital [53, 45] = 1 AP. Barricade St George’s Hospital [53, 45] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block East to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 36 AP.

44th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to St George’s Hospital [53, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to the Holbrook Motel [52, 45] = 1 AP. Barricade the Holbrook Motel [52, 45] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block East to St George’s Hospital [53, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block East to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 38 AP.

45th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to St George’s Hospital [53, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to the Holbrook Motel [52, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to Wootten Towers [51, 45] = 1 AP. Barricade Wootten Towers [51, 45] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block East to the Holbrook Motel [52, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block East to St George’s Hospital [53, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block East to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 40 AP.

46th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to St George’s Hospital [53, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to the Holbrook Motel [52, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to Wootten Towers [51, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to Club Priscott [50, 45] = 1 AP. Barricade Club Priscott [50, 45] (ENTRY POINT) to VSB = 15 AP. Move 1 Block East to Wootten Towers [51, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block East to the Holbrook Motel [52, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block East to St George’s Hospital [53, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block East to Buttery Row School [54, 45] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Acourt Library [55, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 27 AP.

47th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North West to Hubbard Boulevard Railway Station [54, 46] = 1 AP. Barricade Hubbard Boulevard Railway Station [54, 46] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block to the South East to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 32 AP.

48th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North West to Hubbard Boulevard Railway Station [54, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Musgrove Museum [53, 47] = 1 AP. Barricade the Musgrove Museum [53, 47] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Hubbard Boulevard Railway Station [54, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South East to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 34 AP.

49th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North West to Hubbard Boulevard Railway Station [54, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Musgrove Museum [53, 47] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to the Chilwell Museum [52, 46] = 1 AP. Barricade the Chilwell Museum [52, 46] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South East to the Musgrove Museum [53, 47] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Hubbard Boulevard Railway Station [54, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South East to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 36 AP.

50th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North West to Hubbard Boulevard Railway Station [54, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Musgrove Museum [53, 47] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to the Chilwell Museum [52, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to a Factory [51, 46] = 1 AP. Barricade a Factory [51, 46] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block East to the Chilwell Museum [52, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to the Musgrove Museum [53, 47] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Hubbard Boulevard Railway Station [54, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South East to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 38 AP.

Barricader 50-60

51st Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North West to Hubbard Boulevard Railway Station [54, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Musgrove Museum [53, 47] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to the Chilwell Museum [52, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to a Factory [51, 46] = 1 AP. Move West to a Junkyard [50, 46] = 1 AP. Barricade a Junkyard [50, 46] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block East to a Factory [51, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block East to the Chilwell Museum [52, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to the Musgrove Museum [53, 47] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Hubbard Boulevard Railway Station [54, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South East to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 40 AP.

52nd Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North West to Hubbard Boulevard Railway Station [54, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Musgrove Museum [53, 47] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to Snooke Towers [52, 47] = 1 AP. Barricade Snooke Towers [52, 47] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block East to the Musgrove Museum [53, 47] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Hubbard Boulevard Railway Station [54, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South East to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 36 AP.

53rd Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block North West to Hubbard Boulevard Railway Station [54, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Musgrove Museum [53, 47] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to Snooke Towers [52, 47] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to a Junkyard [51, 47] = 1 AP. Barricade a Junkyard [51, 47] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block East to Snooke Towers [52, 47] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block East to the Musgrove Museum [53, 47] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to Hubbard Boulevard Railway Station [54, 46] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the South East to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 38 AP.

54th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block South West to St Theodore’s Church [54, 48] = 1 AP. Barricade St Theodore’s Church [54, 48] (ENTRY POINT) to VSB = 15 AP. Move 1 Block to the North East to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 17 AP.

55th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block South West to St Theodore’s Church [54, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to a Warehouse [53, 48] = 1 AP. Barricade a Warehouse [53, 48] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block East to St Theodore’s Church [54, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the North East to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 34 AP.

56th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block South West to St Theodore’s Church [54, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to a Warehouse [53, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Allsop Arms [52, 49] = 1 AP. Barricade the Allsop Arms [52, 49] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block North East to a Warehouse [53, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block East to St Theodore’s Church [54, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the North East to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 36 AP.

57th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block South West to St Theodore’s Church [54, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block West to a Warehouse [53, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South West to the Allsop Arms [52, 49] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to St Luke’s Hospital [51, 48] = 1 AP. Barricade St Luke’s Hospital [51, 48] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South East to the Allsop Arms [52, 49] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to a Warehouse [53, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block East to St Theodore’s Church [54, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the North East to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 38 AP.

58th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block South to the Mesney Museum [55, 48] = 1 AP. Barricade the Mesney Museum [55, 48] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block to the North to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 32 AP.

59th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block South to the Mesney Museum [55, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South to Stuart Library [55, 49] = 1 AP. Barricade Stuart Library [55, 49] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block North to the Mesney Museum [55, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the North to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 34 AP.

Barricader 60-63

60th Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block South East to Woodland Towers [56, 48] = 1 AP. Barricade Woodland Towers [56, 48] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block to the North West to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 32 AP.

61st Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block South East to Woodland Towers [56, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South to St Simon’s Hospital [56, 49] = 1 AP. Barricade St Simon’s Hospital [56, 49] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block North to Woodland Towers [56, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the North West to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 34 AP.

62nd Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block South East to Woodland Towers [56, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to The Secret HQ of The Gingerbread Men [57, 49] = 1 AP. Barricade The Secret HQ of The Gingerbread Men [57, 49] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Woodland Towers [56, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the North West to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 34 AP.

63rd Barricader Instructions: Start Point = The Blackmore Building [55, 47]. Move 1 Block South East to Woodland Towers [56, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to The Secret HQ of The Gingerbread Men [57, 49] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block South East to Guell Bank [58, 50] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North East to the Spring Building [59, 49] = 1 AP. Barricade the Spring Building [59, 49] to EHB = 30 AP. Move 1 Block South West to Guell Bank [58, 50] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to The Secret HQ of The Gingerbread Men [57, 49] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block North West to Woodland Towers [56, 48] = 1 AP. Move 1 Block to the North West to the End Point of the Barricade Run, The Blackmore Building [55, 47] = 1 AP. Total AP used = 38 AP.

The Result



Von Luthius.