Butthole Surfers
Group Numbers:
469 nuns, 469 languages
We are all equal
Recruitment Policy:
Open recruiting
Tex Tripppen
Approved by The Butthole Surfers
The Butthole Surfers approve of this wiki page in all their golden-brown glory. Official Butthole approval
- Our philosophy
- According to Biafra, we've got that Texas wildcatter mentality. We lead a psychedelic lifestyle and enjoy all of its trappings. Most people would have a bad trip in the zombie apocalypse, butt The Butthole Surfers believe that tripping just makes the apocalypse more fun.
- Butthole Surfers are currently at war with UD FART after first being PK'd by its members. We are PKicking their asses at a ratio of 5:1 and we have them on the run. FART is spreading themselves thin, dividing their ranks to cower from The Butthole Surfers.
- It has been blasphemed in graffiti all over town and on the wiki of at least one group that The Butthole Surfers are a straight-up PK group. This is not true. We are revenge PKers only. When members of your group PK us, we PK members of your group. It's that smurfing simple, folks. So if you see a sign that tells you to PK us, and then you have the stupidity to actually try to do it, we will record your name and profile for all Butthole Surfers to see, then we will attack you and every member of your group mercilessly and without end. That would make it your fault. And for this you can blame UD FART.
Butthole Surfers is an American alternative rock band formed by Gibby Haynes and Paul Leary in San Antonio, Texas in 1981. The band has had numerous personnel changes, but the core lineup of Haynes, Leary, and drummer King Coffey has been together since 1983. Teresa Nervosa served as second drummer from 1983 to 1985 and from 1986 to 1989, and they have employed a variety of bass players, most notably Jeffrey Lincoln Pinkus.
The Buttholes are best known for their black humor, a sound that incorporates elements of punk rock, psychedelia, heavy metal, noise rock, and electronica, as well as their use of sound manipulation and tape editing. Acclaimed for their chaotic live shows, the Buttholes have a well-reported appetite for recreational drugs, particularly psychedelics, an evident influence on their sound.
After the end of the world The Butthole Surfers made their way across Malton to their favorite hideout, Club Fort. In the darkness we watch as liquid red and blue tracers haunt our vision and the patterns in the walls and carpet seem to seethe, breathe and melt. Loud music plays in our heads when not from our 10 foot tall Marshall stacks as we writhe and dance to the sounds of Cherub and 22 Going On 23. Gibby keeps us mesmerized with his twisted and piled vocals. Paul melts our faces with wailing whining droning guitar. Pinkus, King and Teresa Nirvosa pound the hypnotic rhythm on Bass and zombie skins in a trance-like state. The entheogeons flow from our pores as we gyrate uncontrollably to the sonic wall of creeping death. Kathleen...
As a hole the group is becoming very adept at communicating and coordinating attacks. Often the attacks are so well executed that we are accused of zerging.
Some dream of the Butthole Surfers performing live in Club Fort before a packed house of survivors and zombies alike. Perhaps it can be broadcast on Butthole Radio for all of Malton to tune in and drop out to. Tune in to freq. 27.69 MHz soon for Butthole Radio.
Short-wave Radio Info
The Butthole Surfers have a dedicated radio frequency.
Frequency: {{{27.69}}} MHz
Transmitter coordinates: {{{Osmondville}}}
- Saint Gambi is a great friend. Yours truly has a severe cyber crush on her and wants her to stop by more often. Mmmm... Saint Gambi... <drool drool drool>
- Malton Street Patrol gave us a little grief when they tried to take our HQ and claim it as their own, butt we sorted things out and now we are doing a little light support for each other here and there by the way of FAKs and fuel. They may be brash chest beaters and saber rattlers, butt then again who isn't?
FART are our enemies because they have been PKing Butthole Surfers on sight. They started it, butt we won't let 'em finish it.
- Anybody, living or undead who kills one of us in an RP is our enemy. It doesn't matter if we're living or undead, if a Butthole Surfer is in a Revive Point, leave them be. We are keeping lists of you who do this and we turn them into meat, like Jerry Jr.
- Enemies of our Allies are many and are listed alongside ours in the Schidt Liszt tables below.
- Pen Island has formed an alliance with BHS seemingly just to get some good ol' fashioned PK and GK excitement. If you like light, these guys won't be your cup of tea. They are bent on cleaning up the environment in Malton by destroying all generators.
- Vengeance Unlimited are now trusty allies of BHS
- It appears that the FARK war is dwindling. It seems that Sellery is the only motherFARKer who gives a damn anymore. We are still killing him over and over again and again, though.
- December 23, 2008 07:50 am - Zombieville
- Congratulations are in order for Zombieville as he has reached the status of "penis." Notice the small p. Anyone who wishes to PK this guy will receive an official Friend of BHS template on their wiki.
- December 10, 2008 06:30 am - A New Dawn
- It's been a while since anything new happened in Osmondville. The city remains in ruins. The zombies have gained a strong foothold. Some Butthole Surfers have decided to join in as Zs and see where it takes us. You know what they say - When in Rome, do as Romero does.
- October 17, 2008 07:00 am - MOB Rules
- A horde of zombies came through and ruined Osmondville. Rebuilding has been swift, butt there's still plenty of ZK action going on all over the place.
- October 7, 2008 05:45 am - Danceyman is dead... again.
- Roscoe P. Jenkins, a friend of BHS, killed Danceyman after a coordinated effort involving intel from several sources. This act heralds in a new age of Dancey murder and, most likely, a new volley of Dancey whining and crying and puling and muling. Good luck, Dancey. I hope that works out for ya.
- September 17, 2008 05:30 pm - Den of miscreants
- Our safehouse, Club Fort, has turned out to be quite an attraction to the scum of Malton. We are proud to play host to all sorts of villians and miscreants, PKers, GKers, and generally loose-moraled sophomoric curmudgeons. Whew! That's a mouthful!
- August 21, 2008 05:30 pm - Fort Perryn Diversion
- Butthole Surfers are amassing near Fort Perryn to help with the defense and RE-fence of the fort. Calling all Buttholes! Go to Fort Perryn!! We need your help before we get hemmed in.
- For the past two days BHS has been rebuilding the barricades and closing the gates on the fort. We can do it. We can push away the zombie horde and gain golden-brown glory (that still counts as alliteration) on the battlefield fighting for our own lives. Join us now! Redemption is upon us! FightFightFight!!!
- August 14, 2008 04:55 pm - FART On The Run
- Farters are dropping like flies. Tired of being smeared into the ground repeatedly, members of Fart are abandoning their dead bodies and not standing back up. It is assumed that they are creating new characters and avoiding The Butthole Surfers, possibly even abandoning their own team members and no longer branding themselves as farts because they are outnumbered, out skilled, and scared to death to slink around on our side of town. More on this as it develops.
- July 30, 2008 03:30:37 pm - Radio Station Dedicated
- Butthole Radio has been procured and 27.69 MHz is now our dedicated frequency. Listen for news and music to start being broadcast from this frequency soon.
- July 26, 2008, 05:44:08 am - Midnight Run
- FARTERS are getting retaliated against all over the place. Good job Patty Cake, Roscoe P. Jenkins and Bashtar for the great antifarking you did while the rest of us slept. Thanks to your excellent skill in coordinating your efforts a successful strike was made against Neebong and Ppank - AGAIN!
- July 08, 2008, 03:09:48 pm - An Un-hole-y Alliance
- Talks are commencing between our own LAYGO and representatives from the informal UD group called Pen Island regarding an alliance. Pen Island seems to have an itchy trigger finger, good taste in movies, and enough suss to bring The FART to their knees. More on this as it develops.
- July 06, 2008, 09:06:36 am - The war rages
- Lysurgeon fired a shotgun at Mr Chapel and Neebong of UD_FART for 10 damage. Their flak jackets only absorbed a little bit of that damage. They died. Lysurgeon was quoted as screaming, "DIE UD FARK CUMGUZZLER!!!" His screams echoed through the suburb, reverberating across Malton as a cry from the conch. BHS Group morale +10. Congratulations on the double kill, Lysurgeon.
Groups and players that have PKd or Devived a Butthole Surfer. We will kill any group which has members who kill us. Attack one Butthole, attack them all! KILL THE ATTACKERS OF OUR BROWN LIFESTYLE! DIE!
Azrael's Deputies
Artardo - For PKing Tex's real life sister
EJ Stryker for taking advantage of the confusion and PKing BHS members during a seige.
Enemies that have had their ass kicked by Butthole Surfers
- Tansy - - What can I say? He makes a GREAT victim!
- Sellery is dead ten times over. That's 1,000%, y'all.
- Eight! Sellery is dead 8 times over! Wow! Good job, Lys!
- Ding Dong the dick is dead! The stupid dick, the asshole dick. Ding Dong the goddam dick is dead! Dick=Danceyman.
- Ppank has joined the BK6TC! For those of you who are not in the know, that's the "Been Killed 6 Times Club."
- Sellery is once more gaining ground with six tombstones above his head. Good job, Sellery! If you get killed just once more you will be in the lead again!
- Neebong continues to reign supreme as having been slain the most times in the war against FART! How many times is that now? Don't pretend you don't know! It's six times, muddafugga! SIX! Say it simultaneously in 69 different languages, dude! Yow!
- Neebong on top again!! LAYGO has slain Neebong once more, bringing him back to the top of the list of dead people!
- With four deaths at the hands of Buttholes, Sellery is the clear leader in the category of Being Shat Out Our Azzzzz...
- Neebong and Sellery are now tied with Bo Diaz for having been killed the most times! Good job, Neebong and Sellery!
- Whoops! I spoke too soon. Neebong has pulled ahead in counts of failure due to our own beloved Bela's faithful and repeated attacks on our attackers. Without his defense Malton would suffer the rages of the FARTS with no answer to their tyranny.
->o<- Butthole Surfers is recruiting and wants you if
- Mark Says Alright
- You know about the Whirling Hall of Knives
- You are a Locust Abortion Technician
- You are Lady Sniff
- You're the Underdog
- Cough Syrup gets you really PIOUGHD
- You are on a Mexican Caravan
- You've stopped eating Pepper
- You have a Brown Reason To Live
- You DO NOT have a Detachable Penis
- Buttholes have been brought out of the bathroom and onto the dinner table
Mouse over the images

Friend of The Butthole Surfers
This user or group is a friend of The Butthole Surfers in all their golden-brown glory. Official Butthole supporter
This wiki supervised by Butthole Surfers General and Lord God King Editor In Pajamas Tex Tripppen. Vandalism WILL BE NOTICED and vandals will be punished.