G.I. Joe

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A survivor group established 3/14/2011

Goals: To kill Cobra members that PK and/or have made theirself a problem to the people of Malton

To save the people of Malton from the walking meat sacks that seek the flesh of the living.

Preserve the city and restore it to it's former glory.

Secure as many safe houses across the city as possible.

Revive the dead.

Leader:Luther Rizzo

Known Members:Luther Rizzo, Lt Hightower Enemies: Dead, PKers

Members are encouraged to make themself known to the ranks by adding themself to the page.

All are urged to put the name of PKers.

I have a mobile in game so everyone who is part of the roster shall be added to contacts.

Radio Channel 28.51

(note: to make yourself known might make you a target.)