Journal:Jon D'oh/Oct06

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October 2006 Diary Archive

01 Oct 06

Been reduced to searching bodies for ammo. I don't like the way this is deteriorating. The zeds keep stacking up outside, and it's getting more and more difficult to keep ahead. I sure wish the rest of the team were here, at least there would be more to help search for ammo. I think I'm going to be swinging an axe sooner than I thought.

Dropped a couple more zeds last night. More and more familiar faces in the hordes . . . and they just keep coming. This is insanity. The more we drop, the more that come. The longer we survive, the more survivors that we attract, the more survivors we attract just brings more zeds to the payday. Where does it end? Something is going to have to give soon, we're running out of room inside for any more survivors, and running out of room outside to stack the corpses.

I'm saving back one bullet.

02 Oct 06

We've had to do some modification to the barricades, it was just too difficult to get the latest arrivals in and out. I'll be damned if the zeds didn't take the opportunity to load test the new designs. We're going to obviously have to re-engineer the whole shittin' mess. It's getting tough burning up precious ammo gakking zeds that could be held back with proper barricading. Sure wish that we had a couple engineers in here with us right about now.

Spent some time watching over the shoulders of some of the scientist-types in here with us. While I'm sure it takes years of study to figure how to synthesize the chemical compound in these Lazarus Syringes, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out how to use it. Stick 'em and move, just the way I like it. Doesn't seem so hard. This could definately cut down on the number of corpses that we have to stack. The ones that can be saved will be an invaluable asset in the defense, once they've had time to recover enough to do so, that is. Unfortunately, that could quickly swell our ranks within this structure beyond our already-taxed ability to sustain.

05 Oct 06

Manning made it here yesterday. Must have been one hell of a trek for him, bastard looked like hell. Things should start looking alot better around here in a few days. Between the two of us, we should be able to track down more guys from our unit.

The ammo situation isn't improving any, and the zeds are getting increasingly anxious. There was another break-in last night. Guess they just wanted to welcome Manning to the neighborhood. Got them pushed back without an unpredictable amount of effort. Stab 'em and slab 'em. Going to make a run for supplies tomorrow, or the next day, depending on how things look outside.

06 Oct 06

Zeds are stacking up outside. We don't have the ammo, or the manpower to hold off a horde that this one is shaping up to be. I've been awake well over 48 hours now, reinforcing the barricades and preparing the defenses. We're preparing the evacuation, which I have no doubt it will come to. Looking at the faces of these dirty, tired, beat-down survivors, we all know the truth. The zeds are winning, and all we can do is slow them down.

We've sent word next door to get ready for some company. As soon as it looks li-~_ . .

10 Oct 06

They got in. Fast. Scary fast. Just kept coming. Drug several out into the streets, I was one of them. I . . . I was one of them. Hungry. Hungry and angry, that's all I remember. Thank God someone saved me, if that's what you can call it. It's more like prolonging the inevitable.

Fucking Necrotech started this whole epidemic. You can't blame a zed for being what it is. If they weren't so critical to our continued survival, I'd personally blow every goddamn Necrotech building straight back to hell where they belong. When this is over I may do just that. I've a sneaking suspicion that I won't be acting alone.

11 Oct 06

Break-in at the Hospital next door. I got over there to do what I could, but it was just too much. Got the alarms sounded, and got a few evacuated before I was forced out. Now I'm just waiting on the docs to find out if I'm infected or not. After I'm done here, I'm going to go back and help tend to the other wounded . . . and the dead.

Manning is getting a little better everyday. He's watching and learing, and he's not afraid to get in there and mix it up with the zeds. He's a fine Marine, I hope he survives this. I hope any of us survive this.

Update: Hospital is now fully secured, the wounded have been healed, and the dead have been . . . disposed of.

13 Oct 06

Got word that Blackmore fell to the zeds. If there was a center to this conflict, it was Blackmore. There were more than 300 members of the Bastards Brigade holding that building. 300. 300 brave souls. 300 dead. 300 more undead. 300 more strikes against those of us who remain. Goddamnit.

Advance scouts report that the hordes are turning south, which could put them here in as little as a week.

Manning and I are stacking mags and preparing the defenses as best we can. Just in case, I checked the edge of my axe. Looks like I'll definately be getting the opportunity to use it afterall. Get ready you zed sons-of-bitches, daddy's gonna be swingin' for the fences.

God help us all, and here's to the brave men and women of the Blackmore Bastards Brigade. They were the best of us all.

16 Oct 06

Spent the entire day today foraging for ammo and supplies. It's funny how the more you need something, the more it looks like it isn't going to be enough. I don't think there's enough ammo in the world right now to cure our problems. Goddamn zeds are like cockroaches. Probably survive a fucking nuke, too. If I had one available, I would more than likely test that theory.

17 Oct 06

The only bad thing about having a fair amount of ammunition is the overwhelming urge to go and use it. Guilty as charged. Sent 2 zeds packing, and had a 3rd nearly finished when I had in moments, completely expended what took nearly 3 days of searching to find. Ouch. This is not a time-economical solution. Manning and I have discussed the possibility of a mall run, where the sporting goods stores have more extensive stockpiles of ammunition, provided they haven't already been raped clean. Discussion will continue, for now.

The zed activity has definately increased over the last couple of days. I'm sure it's not going to get any better for us, now that Blackmore is under zed control.

18 Oct 06

Hi-ho, hi-ho, foraging for ammo we go!

20 Oct 06

The search continues. Manning and I are still scrounging for ammo, in preparation for the coming storm. Had some reports of light zed activity to the south, but nothing to get too excited about yet.

Been working out with the axe, just in case we don't find those hollywood-clips. There's a couple of file cabinets that won't be giving us any trouble anytime soon!

We're attracting more and more survivors. We've also had a couple of particulary stinky ones, as well. While I still shudder the thought of zed spies, between the rumors and my own observations, I can't help but put some stock in the theory. Just the thought of zeds organizing gives me the willies. We may have to devise some sort of screening process in order to control entry.

21 Oct 06

Went zed hunting today. Heard tell that there were a few clusters threatening to horde, so I went out to investigate. No real herds, but squashed a some individual zeds all heading in the same direction. Close enough for government work. Back to the ranch for some weapons maintenance, and the ever popular theme of ammo-hunting.

It's been weeks since we've had any contact with anybody else from our unit. While I don't want to think the worst, I have to operate on the assumption that what we have now is as good as it's going to get. We're going to have to get better organized while we can, if we intend to survive more than the passing zed cluster.

22 Oct 06

Spent the day foraging for ammo, imagine that. Lots of flares going off outside, almost like the 4th of July out there. Not sure what the commotion is all about. If they're all related to zombie activity, things are going to get quite interesting, indeed.

Manning is like all four horsemen of the apocalypse on the zeds. He is consistently coming back with 4 or more kills on each patrol. One day, he may even be as good as me, heh heh. The kid has a good routine down. Good to see that he's remembered his training.

The basecamp here is simply busting at the seams. The upside is that there are plenty of people to keep watch for zeds and maintain the barricades in proper shifts. The downside is that the zeds damn well know that we're here, and looking more and more like a tasty payday with every passing day.

24 Oct 06

No news of note. Still scrounging for ammo, and other critical supplies. The search goes well, but I'm not giving up until I can't carry one more clip.

Some moron has gotten his hands on a radio, and feels that it's his manifest destiny to espouse his personal manifesto across the entire radio spectrum. If I ever run across that fucker, I'm going to slap him with the biggest trout I can find . . . and then choke him with it.

27 Oct 06

Zed Count: 11

The ammo search still continues. Good accumulation, just long in coming.

Had a minor zed break-in, yesterday. In my haste to rush them back out, I led with shotguns. While it was quite effective, in my haste, I emptied most of my 12 Gauge reserve. Son-of-a-bitchin' zed grabbed my axe, too, while trying to get ahold of me. I'm going to miss that axe. There'll be more, I know, but it just pisses me off. I guess it's better the fucking zed latched onto it instead of latching on to me. C'est la mort . . . heh heh.

Decided to start a new thing . . . The Zed Report. Basically, it entails me looking outside at 100 zeds, and see how many familiar faces I see in the crowds. Binoculars make this easier for both range, and for deciphering the zed 'uglification' factor in determining if I recognize their face or not. I figure it's a semi-decent weathervane of the zed situation. The higher the number, the worse things are looking overall, I figure. And hell, what else am I going to do with my time? Zeds suck at checkers.

28 Oct 06

Zed Count: 12

Went zed hunting today. Things are definately picking up out there. Didn't have to look very hard at all to find them. Was able to drop 4 before having to retire back to camp. Shells are considerably more difficult to come by lately, saving those for emergency use only.

Between Manning and I, we're able to keep thinning the herd down out there. One goes out, the other is getting ready to go out. It's a good system, I just hope it's enough to keep the dead off of our doorstep.

30 Oct 06

Zed Count: 11

Went back out hunting again today. Busted 3 zeds with minimal effort, and was back in time for tea. Spent the remainder of the day doing basic weapons maintenance, scrounging, and barricade repair. Seeing more than a few new faces in the basecamp lately, not sure if these are refugees from other more heavily zed infested areas, or we're making a name for ourselves. Either way, the end result is the same. Might as well hang a fucking 'free beer' sign over the door for the zeds. I can't blame the survivors, though. That's what we're here for. Let the damn zeds come, and bring their worst. Remember Blackmore!

31 Oct 06

Zed Count: 17(!)

Holy shit, the zeds have been busy! Just what we needed, a zed holiday. Happy fucking Halloween. The damn fog is so thick outside, you can only barely see the building next door if it has power and lights on.

Broke my binoculars after this morning's zed count. I have no other choice but to go in search of a new pair. The nearest place to find them is in a sporting goods store, located in a mall over twenty blocks from here. I didn't want to worry anybody, so I just left a 'be back soon' note. If I'm lucky, I might find some gas for the generator, too. Although, without power, at least that fucking radio isn't chattering the fillings out of everyone's teeth.

God, I hate this fog . . .

Update: Damn, I made it. 20 blocks, building-to-building. I'm currently holed up right next door to the mall. I can see the lights on inside, and there's some kind of activity in there. Not sure if it's survivors or zeds milling about, though. The building I'm in now is at least as secure as any building I've been in yet. I'm going to spend the night here, and go check out the mall in the morning. Hopefully that blasted fog will have lifted before then. Creepy-assed shit that it is.