Journal:Keilor Penfold

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Year 1

December 25

It's Christmas in Malton. It doesn't feel like it. Jesus came back from the dead too. Maybe... I dunno.

This used to be some sort of office building, there is plenty of pen and paper about, so I figured I'd start writing down my experiences. My current state? I'm standing in the Gollop building, in Gulsonside. There's a generator running, thank god.

You ever make a mistake you couldn't take back? I did once. I joined the army. Seemed like the thing to do. Fight for honor and country. I didn't even know about the Malton quarantine zone, I was just a country boy out of Alabama. I joined the army to fight terror, but not like this. Why the US is dumping troops in here I'll never understand. I guess they figure if they can contain Malton the world is safe. Hell I'm sure the brits love not having to use there own exclusive brand of cannon fodder for all of the jobs. I got dumped out in West Greyside, a couple of clips and a pistol to my name. I spent a couple of nervous days wandering north east, and a couple of hellish nights wondering if the end was about to come. My first encounter with the undead came on the third day, I got nervous about my home base in Wray Heights, so I stupidly tried to find a better hiding place for the night. The zombie looked exactly like a person from a distance. Don't get me wrong though, you could tell. The shambling gait, the low moan, that dead stare. It raised it's arms to grab at me, I stuffed my gun in it's mouth and pulled the trigger. A bang, some brain splatter and a thump later, I was alone again. It twitched. I kicked it in the head once for good measure and took off running. I couldn't take the chance that anything or anyone else had heard that. I made it a couple of blocks before I saw my salvation, if you could call it that.

I stood outside Broad Avenue Police Department. I was relieved to hear noise from the inside. I hopped the barricade and for the first time in weeks, I found people. Quite alot actually. It made me wonder how they had all managed to avoid being snack food for our friends outside, but I thought it best not to ask. I spent a bit of time searching for more supplies, and after a couple of noisy nights, I started my way east. They said I was crazy, but I could've sworn I saw lights.

I found the Gollop Building, but I couldn't get in. Fortunately I could get into the fire station, so I just hopped from the roof into a broken window. That's a neat trick, I'll have to remember it. There's a transmitter here, but I don't have a cell-phone. I doubt anything will go out of the quarantine zone, but it would be nice to find one. I see more lights to the east. It looks like a mall, in a day or two I think I'll head over and see what's there.

December 26

I made a stupid mistake today. I was running some recon and I fell off a building. I wasn't high up, but I couldn't climb back up and I couldn't get inside. I thought I was ok, but after going a few blocks I passed out. I woke and a zombie was gnawing on my arm. It was one of the most terrifying experiences in my life. I shook it off and ran another block before I passed out again. I woke up to gunfire and finally made it inside, but I can feel the infection running through my body. I don't know what's going to happen next.

December 27

I was pretty sure I was going to die, but as luck would have it, someone got to me in time. I'm not better mind you, but I'm not bad. I was right about the mall, the guy told me all about it, so I'm going there tomorrow. I'd better get some rest, I'm going to need it.

December 28

I made it to the mall, which was oddly bustling with life. I looked around for some supplies but I have no idea what I'm looking for in there. I ducked out and headed into Osmondville, this whole place is trashed. I'm going to head back into Blesley Mall and start running raids on the Zachs out here.

December 29

I had to dump some bodies outside of the mall today. Apparently even if I get shot to death, I'll turn into a zombie. Blesley is mostly secure, but there's too many people to feel completely safe. Zombie's see it as an all you can eat buffet I'm sure, but luckily they've been mostly cleared out of the area. I still hear moans from over in Osmondville though.

December 30

I killed another one of those things in Osmondville today, but I hung around the mall more, and got accustomed to the area. I did a little searching, and apparently there are a bunch of different stores here, the different ones likely have different items inside, so when I have time, I'll make sure and check the gun shop. Oh, almost forgot, I used a first aid kit I found in a drug store here on some dude. He thanked me and went on his way. I was kinda glad to be of use.

December 31

Did some healing in the mall. Saw a few guys get killed in front of me again, no idea what's going on here, but as soon as I get the energy I'm finding a more isolated spot to hide. It's pretty obvious at this point that these guys are crazy. I mean, lights on, gas generators roaring, people partying. They aren't heading towards the end of the world, they've been there for a while. This beautiful black haired woman came in here a while back, said, "Sarah Silverman sends her regards," and blew like three guys away and walked back out onto the streets. No one even batted an eye, they just kept "living". I had to dump the bodies myself. What the hell is wrong with these people?

Year 2

January 1

Great, a new year. I'm staying in a random building now, and probably will be for the foreseeable future. I went back over to the mall to do some searching, I came up with a few first aid kits. I was happy, until some guy asked for some help. I used them all on him but I'm picking up this first aid thing pretty quickly.

My New Years resolution: Don't die.

January 2

Things are looking up, I was holed up in a Blesley Gun Shop sleeping when I heard an old friend on the radio. Xavius Doom, that crazy fucker made it. He says he's up in Shearbank, which according to everyone here is as safe as it gets in this city. Lucky bastard. I'm heading there tommorrow. I wish I could get a message out to him, but I can't get near the transmitter tonight.

January 3

I made it to a school in Pimbank, but I ain't making it any farther today. I saw alot of death along the way, but I don't have the energy to write yet. Give me a few days.

January 4

I'm crashing at Stickling Mall in Shearbank tonight, picked up a cell phone, crazy as that sounds.

January 5

I met up with Xavius, he's got a heck of a story to tell, but I'll leave that to him. Nothing much to report, we caught up on old times from training.

January 6

Stickling Mall sounds more friendly Blesley was, but who knows how long that'll last. Xavius is staying in a police station right now, thought it'd be best if we didn't stay in the same place. He's got a head on him at least. I'm packing up on ammo and first aid kits. You never know when...

January 7

I jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. I was writing yesterday when someone called me to the windows, there are hundreds of zombies out there. I headed down to Borrer PD, to check on Xavius but apparently he's moved. If I see him again I'll be sure to kick his ass.

January 8

Xavius is fine but he's fighting Zach. He seems like he's having fun, I popped a couple over at Josaphat Hospital today, resting in Borrer PD again.

January 9

Someone was telling me about how most malls are laid out. Apparently most of them have the same configuration, that should help me when I'm looking for stuff. I've gotten tons of practice with my pistol today fighting Zach outside of Borrer PD. I'm running low on ammo though, so it looks like I'll get to put that information on the malls to good use.

January 10

Helped defend Josaphat yesterday. Damn zombies just don't stay down. Can't do much except keep the barricades up and hope. Helped tend to a few wounded fellas and got a couple of kills too.

January 11

Someone beat the hell out of the mall, I helped pick up the pieces most of the day. Oh, I happened to be at Borrer PD when Xavius got back, I tried to impart some wisdom, but I'm pretty sure none of it sunk in. We can't kill these things, it's fun as hell to shoot them, but it's a temporary fix. Ah well, he'll learn or die.

January 12

Back at Borrer for a few minutes, Zach's apparently gave up on trying to take the place, but I wouldn't put any money on it. I killed another one outside of Josaphat, and that looked like the last one. I don't see Xavius, so I'm going to head back to Stickling Mall.

January 13

Spent most of today searching for Ammo and First Aid supplies. I don't really have a plan at this point, so I'm just going to keep living until something comes up. I got some practice in with the shotgun though, so it's not just a heavy stick to carry around anymore.

January 20

It's been a week since anything important enough to report has happened. I heard someone die yesterday. It wasn't the kind of death I expected, someone eating his own gun or getting knifed for his supplies, or Zach swarming, a human screaming and then silence. This time, I heard him crying. He got bit yesterday, and I didn't have any first aid kits. He bled out on the dirty tiled floor. Nothing I did stopped the bleeding, it just kept coming until it didn't anymore. I remember his raspy voice begging me to save him. I couldn't do it.

I blew his brains out when he died to be sure and took his stuff. That's what I've been reduced to. They say the most inhumane thing in the world is humanity. I think they're right.