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The journals of a Mad Scientist

December 13

To think, less than ten days ago I was still back in medical school learning how to bring rat corpses back from the dead. Then all of a sudden my whole class was called into Malton by the military to help stem the flow of zombies. I never though my knowledge would help me outside of my goal of being a mad scientist.

It turns out I wasn't as ready as I though. Time has flown by, running from zombies, ducking into building, all the while improving my skills I learnt back at medical school to a level at which they may be useful I haven't yet figured out how these syringe thingies work, and so I do not feel right using them on my patients, but I feel that I am close to grasping how they work

I have recently found myself in a hospital with several other doctors, and am healing all who enter, and with this practise I can feel myself learning how to use the available recourses more efficiently, yet are still only a beginner compared to those doctors I am working under

Hold on, a guy holding a pistol has just stumbled into the hospital with pus and blood oozing from a wound on his neck. He will not last long if I do not help so will have to finish this report later


I have stabilized the patient, but have run out of supplies, so will need to search the supply cupboards for more first aid kits. And a zombie has just stumbled into the hospital, I suppose I should prep him for an injection by one of the expert doctors.

End of Entry

December 14

Today I awoke to see the windows shuttered, the doors closed and barred, and a survivor with a few cuts and scrapes leaning against the barricade. I moved over to him an quickly patched his wounds, having learnt how to judge a persons wounds merely by looking at them. I moved around looking to see where exits and entrances were located after the alterations by this new comer. Hold on, a survivor has just started to pull himself in the window, but he seems to be bleeding heavily, and as all the other doctors are resting, I guess I need to offer him aid


The patients wounds were infected, but having cleaned them up and have stitched up the cuts enabling him to continue to fight the hordes. I am still tired, so will get some more sleep, and get back to writing my journal.

End of Entry

December 15

Waking up I found that during the night, zombies had broken into the hospital with hostile intention and one of them had bitten me. The other doctors were to busy trying to care for themselves and fix the walls than help any of the others who were hurt worse than themselves, much to my disgust. I had a wound which was beginning to smell funny, yet I used almost all my available resources to help those around me who had been injured by the attack. Only when they had all been stabilized did I begin to look at my own wounds, only find they were much worse than I expected. If I had of spent anymore time looking after the other patients before looking at my own wounds I would have joined the ranks of the undead.

End of Entry

December 16

During the night another break in of the hospital occurred, but luckily the forces were pushed back. The doctors set to healing everyone they could. Shortly afterward, a heavily bleeding civilian crawled into the building with a message that a hospital a short distance away was under attack. Most of the Doctors picked up their supplies and set off in the directions the injured civilian had given. I didn�t follow as my supplies had still been depleted from the last attack, and I would be no help other than to get in the way.

Instead I stayed at the hospital and continued to care for the patients who were left behind. I found a few more FAK, however they were not enough to heal everyone, but I did my best and stabilized three people who had stayed behind as they were unable to move

End of Entry

December 17

Zombies broke through the defences last night, and I was bitten by several. Mind has been unable to focus properly, and it is taking all my effort to write this. My head has a killer headache, and nothing I do seems to stop it hurting. However on the plus side late night before the assault I figured out how the serum works, so I shall so be helping those who have moved to the wrong side of life.

Moving is getting harder, maybe getting some sleep will help

End of Entry

December 18

It is hard to hold the pen, and zombies are everywhere, yet they have not noticed me. I think� I may be one of them. My mind is still functioning normally, yet my body doesn�t respond as I wish it. I know there is a revivification centre a short walk NE, so I think I shall make my way there to get revivified and then I can make my way to the nearby Necrotech centre to make a report on my findings.


I made it to the centre, but it took much more effort than I thought it would. While waiting outside I have been shot and knocked down TWICE while waiting in line for a doctor. Going to make a complaint about it when I get revived.

Which hopefully shouldn�t be to long now. And hopefully no-one else will shoot me. Even though I am currently 'dead' bullets still do hurt a lot

End of Entry

December 19

I have been killed 3 times� It really hurts� And the last guy shot me through the head causing a partial lobotomy� Lucky it didn�t affect any of the more important functions of my mind. Picking myself off the ground, I crawled into the revivification centre, luckily there was a doctor available to see me, and I was revived. Thank you JennyOIfer.

Picking myself of the ground and stretching out my reanimated limbs, I took all my syringes out of my waist bag, and began injecting the zombies at random, revivifying 5 of them.

I then left the revivification centre and headed to the west to the nearest Necrotech centre to make my report, and get some more syringes to help return the zombies to the preferable side of life. On my way to the Necrotech building I noticed that a hospital was only a few blocks away and I could offer my assistance there if it was needed

End of Entry

December 20

Woke up to find all my remaining wounds cleaned and stitched, and I am back in perfect health. Making my way to the hospital, I looked at the list of active doctors� It just kept going, there were so many doctors and patients. I think I will only stay here for a little while, as I hate crowds. While I need to be with people, I prefer to treat my patients on a personal level, although with Zombies lurking around, there is some safety in numbers. In which case I am one of the safest people in Malton. I will be leaving here soon, although I liked the idea of working at the revivification centre helping bring people back from the dead.

End of Entry

December 21

Not much happened today. I woke up in the Necrotech centre, and then spent the day looking for syringes� only found one all day. What a waste of time. I am going to go back to the hospital and train as a doctor� much better use of my time.

End of Entry

December 22

Decided to spend another day looking for syringes... I found four GPS units, and 3 DNA extractors... But I did find two more syringes. I think I want to be a doctor. It is much easier to find stuff to keep someone alive that to bring them back from the dead.

End of Entry

December 27

Been busy for the last 5 days and haven�t had a chance to work on my journal. Life is become almost monotonous, with the same cycle: Wake Up; Check for injured Patients; Search for more medical supplies; Back to sleep. I need to get out of here and find a more �active� lifestyle. Thinking about picking up a gun and starting to shoot some of the zombies. But then what if they are one of my former patients... I don't think I could cope with that

End of Entry

December 28

Everywhere. They were everywhere. The door suddenly blew in and zombies swarmed in from everywhere. It was chaos. Luckily for me I was treating a patient in one of the back rooms, and so the zombies didn�t see me. I waited until they were busy feasting on the corpses of my fallen work mates, then ran for my life. I had run two blocks through street filled with zombies before I found a few blocks clear of them. I saw two zombies stood there in scientists cloaks, and so I went up to them and extracted some of their DNA, before patching up their wounds, as I didn�t have the supplies to bring them back from the dead, so I may as well make their undeath more comfortable.

End of Entry

January 1

Have spent the last few days in a hospital, which in which some idiot has blocked up every possible exit. One of the guys in here went crazy and started to attack the barricades in an attempt to get out. But while we are trapped, we are safe. This safety has enabled me to search though the back rooms of the hospital finding all the FAK�s I can, giving me a fairly decent supply, so now when the barricades fall apart, I will be able to offer much more aid than ever before.

End of Entry

January 13

Woke up today. It seems that I had been dead for a while. Mind seems to not work after a long term stay in the undead state. Unfortunately no one took pitty on my braindead state and thus I wandered far from home. Luckily I got revived. I stood up and walked a few blocks, crawling inside a building for a good nights sleep. Woke up to find myself dead. Hopefully it won�t be as long this time.

End of Entry

January 22

I have not made any reports into my diary lately, because nothing of mention has happened. I have done some work with the local necro-tech, and have been given clearance to access the NecroNet. I haven�t used my new security clearance as of yet, but I expect that I may be doing so soon.

However most of my latest work has been in the hospital a few block west of the necrotech, helping to patch up survivors. The doctors here are very efficient, and because of the speed all of us get to the patients, there is almost a competition between us to see who can heal the patients.