Journal:Smithatron 5000

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Log 1 - 11/10/05 - 0008 Hours

It's must have been about 2 months I've been stuck here now. I got sent into the God forsaken hell hole with my squad. We were sent to try and deal with the zombie threat but no one realised just how hard this mission was going to become.

We were no way prepared for the problems we were about to face. Had we know about the "zombie" threat, we would have arrived a little more tooled up than a simple pistol. We would have brought a bigger squad than 9 soldiers and a medic! To make things worse half of them died on arrival. There was only 4 of us left after we landed here.

Fortunately for us we acquired the help of Katii an x-member of Necro-Tech, the company behind this whole epidemic. We also Gained the trust and respect of 2 of the local fireman who went by the nicknames of Normcore and Spudulike. The strange thing is that we were all born locally. Both great men but unfortunately we lost Normcore to our first major attack by a zombie(I still can't believe I?m calling them zombies. I?m a grown man, I know zombies don?t exist but there is nothing else to call them). When we lost Normcore we all got infected with the virus but luckily while I was wandering around in my brain-dead state I got revived and got my dead friends to follow me to where We were being brought back. After we were all back together the first thing I done was had a little practice at barricading buildings.

We also found another guy in this city who was born fairly local to us but was just a civilian in the city. I don't know what he?s profession was before this attack but he is one tough bastard and I'm glad to have him on my side.

Well now our squad is pretty strong. We are all tooled up and ready to take on this zombie scum. I have just been away from the base in a police station collecting some ammo. There was no way into the building but somehow there was a zombie in there. That means that some human had turned on he?s own kind. This is why our squad is small and we are not expanding much, I honestly don't know who I can trust besides my own squad.

Since I have been here the combat has done miracles for my training. My shooting accuracy has become great. I?ve become pretty handy with an axe too!

it's been a very long few days and now I'm going to get some rest.

Goodbye and Godspeed.

Log 2 - 12/10/05 - 1847 Hours

So yesterday I had the great idea to go out and hunt some zombies. After walking about 8 blocks I found one of the bastards. He didn't cause me much trouble at all but I got a little trigger happy and used up so much energy I couldn?t get back to the base. I made my way to the a local pub where some guys took me in. Thank God they did because one of the bastards was attacking me. I made my way back to the base later that day and got some rest.

When I woke up I went for a little zombie hunting mission. Pretty soon I found a factory with 7 zombies outside. Well there were 7 when I got there and only 6 when I left if you get what I mean! I came home and told Rooney about that and he was as happy as me! We have some fresh meat to hunt every day! I'm going to head out later and take another one of them bastards out. It might take a while but were going to win this battle! One zombie at a time!


Log 3 - 13/10/05 - 2154 Hours

Well last night I was juts sitting there and I though to myself "I know what I haven?t done for a while. I isn?t gone and kicked some zombies arse!". I went to go for a walk back to the factory where I found the 7 undead. I took about 4 steps out of our door and noticed the tower block directly north had left its doors wide open. I stepped in too take a look and saw a zombie and a human. The guy was asleep and the zombie looked a little disorientated so I just pulled my shot guy out and blew that mother fucker into next year! The guy looked very dodgy. I tried to wake him and he just pushed me away. There wasn't much else I could do for him so I left the tower block, closed the doors and went back to the pub. I went back this morning and both the guy and the zombie corpse were gone.

This morning I woke up feeling refreshed. I took a walk back to the factory to hunt down that big group of zombies. There was only 1 left and I managed to take the bastard out with 2 clips of my pistol. Lucky really because I only had a clip left after that. I always have my axe I suppose but I don't like having to rely on that. Tomorrow I'm heading back to the police station to see if there is any ammo left. I prey to God there is because we wont be able to hold these things off otherwise.


Log 4 - 14/11/05 - 1235 Hours

Ello ello ello!

So it's been a while since I last recorded my thoughts. I've spent a lot of time working out and building up my skills. I'm not one to blow my own trumpet so to speak, but I'm double hard now! I have been killing these zombie bastards for weeks now and I am getting a lot of experience now. A few of my buddies and I have a plan. I'm going to get zombiefied soon and learn most of their techniques and get someone to revive me as soon as possible so then I'll know what to expect when I have a run in with one of these bastards again. I have only been bitten by these animals once recently but we had quite a nice little crew in our building and one of them people were nice enough to doctor me up to full health. I became quite friendly with one of them called Elian. They got attacked and turned into a zombie once but I went and saved them and brought them back. They left a few days ago on a little mission and have not returned. I believe my fears to be true and they have been killed. I know Kati got killed and I was going to bring her back but I think she already has been. There is still no sign of her back at the base though. Rooney, Richi and I are the only 3 who seem to be around lately, although we have all been keeping to ourselves quite a bit. The 4 or 5 people who were staying in our base last week were pretty cool. Would have made good HAZ members but one night they just made off without as much as a good bye. They probably had their reasons. I don't blame them; I'd like too meet up with them again one day though.

We are currently staying in an old cinema. Not a bad place to stay really. We have food and entertainment; there is a local police station and a NT building in case we need a syringe. Our area was a little too quite for me at first but I don't know what happened. The last few days it has been swarming. I think that is why so many people cleared out and left us, personally I fuc*king love it! I just step out the building and there is a little target practice waiting for me! That?s about it for now. See ya.

Log 5 - 22/11/05 - 1504 Hours

Things are getting intense. There has just been a huge Zombie attack everywhere. These things are getting clever and starting to work together. It's totally fucked! Our base got taken by those bastards. They turned all of us. Most people tried to fight but for some reason I didn't put up a battle. I just let them take me. I just got this really strange feeling come over me and that letting them turn me was the right thing to do and that it would help us all in the end. It did!

One thing is for sure they made a big mistake by turning me into one of them things. I managed to make myself more advanced than most of the zombies out there already. So not only do I have the highest army ability in the city I also know most of them Zombie skills now too! I have even become so strong now that I can fight off the urge to eat people. I even found myself attacking some of them Zombie bastards while I was still a zombie!

Almost as soon as I became one I made my way to a NecroTech building and someone brought me back. I brought half the others back but we're still missing Richi. Until I bring him back it looks like I'm running things around here.

If all stays calm tonight Rooney and I are heading one town over tomorrow. There is a mall there and I want to see if there is much available to loot. I'm really looking for a mobile phone really. The city has a little power back and I managed to borrow a portable generator off the fire station earlier too. I want to check out the stadium too! Maybe have a little kick-about!

Shit, there are 3 of the bastards outside trying to get in. I'm going to have to go fight these bastards off...

Log 6 - 23/11/05 - 1549 Hours

Not much new to report. I have moved a couple of suburbs across and I'm now by that mall. I'm quite tired so I'm going to wait till tomorrow before I go raid it. I came here with Kati. Rooney is going to meet us here later. Some guys let us crash in the old railway station they are staying in. I plan to head over there about 10 tomorrow morning. That?s about all for now.

Log 7 - 28/11/05 - 1020 Hours

Morning. Things are starting to quite positive here; well as positive as it can be living in this zombie infested place! The crew is almost back together. Kati, Rooney and Richi are all back here and there are a couple of other guys who we used to know from back in Harlow who joint us. There are a couple of other guys staying here too but I believe that is only a temporary thing.

Last week after raiding the mall I headed to Mockridge Heights and set up camp in some tower block. Got it nice and barricaded up, set up a generator and got it fuled up. I went over too the old bill station the other day and got some ammo and cleared out the building next too us. Was fun stuff. I spent a day in the hospital a while back too and some lovely young girl taught me a thing or two about treating people, only minor surgery but it's better than nothing. So now if anyone needs healing in our crew we can head over to the hospital and I can heal 'em!

I've took a while off from my Z killing to get supplies like my phone and stuff but now the trigger happy Smithy is back! Those Z bastards of Mockridge Heights won?t know what?s hit them!

My only major concern at the moment is with our crew. They are getting scared of me despite me keeping this crew together with my base building and reviving people. They are all seeing how well I have advanced since I came here and it scares them. I think it was my (successful) plan to gain the zombie skills that finally done it. But I suppose this place is turning us all a little crazy.

Log 8 - 01/12/05 - 1027 Hours

Last night I was out looking for a zombie to blow up and I must have walked a bit too far because I was walking home and I got so tired. There was no chance I was going to make it back to the base. Luckily some people in a church took me in for the night. They were real religious types. They were the sort or people I would have really disliked back in the days before we came here but they were really nice people.

After chatting to them for some time we got into a big debate about religion. I explained to them that following faiths based on these mythological figures was pointless and that there is no way that there could even be an almighty God, its juts ludicrous. But then they brought up the point that until about 4 months ago the thought go zombies were ludicrous. They had a very good point.

They were very impressed with me. They said that they have had people come and go from their building every day but they have yet to see anyone with as much strength and knowledge as me yet. I explained to them how ALL of my progress has been made since I arrived. I also explained how I got that strange feeling and knew I should have sacrificed myself to the zombies so I was able to learn their abilities and how we wasn't suppose to be in this town but we got dropped here by mistake. This is where thing start to get weird!

They believe that this was a sign from God. They said there are so many people here fight the same cause but there is no leadership. They need a strong figure to head the operation and that they think it should be me. They said as long as I keep faith then I can achieve anything. They gave me a crucifix and sent me on my way.

I don't know if they are right. Hell, I don't even know if they are sane. But me leading a big army? I have to say I like the sound of that!

I arrived back at the base today and the barricaded had been pulled down a bit. I got back inside and barricaded it back up a bit. I think I'm going to keep what I have been told to myself for now. I know these guys already think I'm losing it and I saying I've been sent on a mission from God probably won't help matters! I don't believe the rest of the gang are strong enough yet so I think I'm going to hang about for a bit longer.

Log 9 - 05/11/05 - 1505 Hours

Not a lot has happened. There is a church about 5 blocks east of us which I thought I would go check out for survivors and found a few dead heads. I was having loads of fun blowing them away when I ran out of ammo! I ended up taking them out with me trusty axe. Our generator has gone. I'm guessing one of those freeloaders who we let stay broke it and then chucked it and done a runner. I'll head down the fire station tomorrow and see if they have a spare.

I have been thinking more and more about building an army and I have decided that the time isn't right. The mission will go ahead but a bit later on. H.A.Z has sort of died lately. Richi, Rooney, Kati and I are all still going strong but there is no sign of anyone else. The lads need me now more than ever and I'm not willing to let them down. I'm having too much fucking fun just blowing the fuckers up to recruit anyway!

I'm thinking of moving bases too. The one we have is safe but it?s a bit of a walk to get places like the police station so I might move somewhere closer. I found a few bottles of wine too! I don't really like the stuff but its alcohol so it will do!

Log 10 - 12/12/05 - 1247 Hours

Well it's almost Christmas! I was thinking about Christmas time back home. All the family get together and spend time with each other. I have to go out and do loads of shopping and buy loads of people presents and for the first time I was almost glad I'm stuck here!

As I said a few weeks back I found a couple of bottle of wine. I decided to drink them and then decided to get looking for a new base because the crew were getting a bit edgy where we were and wanted to move. I was walking down the road with my wine in one hand and my shotgun in the other hand and that was the last thing I remember. It's possible that I was attacked by a zombie but it's more than likely I got pissed and passed out and that?s when the bastard bit me because when I woke up I was one of them. When you get turned you can't remember too much but little memories. What I can remember is some bastard beating the shit out of me and then when I stood up another got me! I know technically they are fighting the same battle as me but it still pissed me off!

I was only one of them for about a day. Kati come and found me and brought me back. I left her in the NecroTech building first thing this morning while she was still asleep and went back to the base. Richi and Rooney were still asleep too so I decided to go build the new base. We're staying in a bank in Tapton. I have barricaded it up and sent a text to Richi letting him know where I am. I'm sure they will be down within a few days. To tell you the truth I could do with some time to myself.

I have been carrying around loads of shit I never use like a baseball bat and knife and stuff like that but I chucked it all this morning. Just kept the things I need and my crucifix and drank the last of my wine. I'm going to chill in the vault for a bit. I feel safe in there because if anyone breaks in I can just close the door and I'll be safe....until my air runs out!

Log 11 - 14/12/05 - 1508 Hours

I bagged another Z today. Stayed in the police station last night then when I came home today I was pretty knackered. Saw there was a church next door so I grabbed my shotgun and went to check it out. There were 4 of the bastards in there! I only had 2 shots in my gun and I managed to knock the little bastard down! I want to kill them and get them out ASAP. I feel well jumpy knowing they are next door.

We have moved from the bank to a warehouse next door. We took some guy in and the crazy bastard started pulling down the barricade. He was working with a group of zombies. I hated doing it but Richi and I had to take him down. We moved into the warehouse next door and were staying there now. Good thing too because that building was raided that night. I think one of them had a pop at Rooney but he seems ok. I healed him up a bit with a medi kit that I nicked from the hospital earlier. This new place is quite secure so I feel pretty safe here. I saw Edgley's corpse walking about but I didn't have a syringe to bring him back. That's what I'm heading for tomorrow. I will bring this crew back together. I have too. It doesn?t look like anyone else is going to do it.

Log 12 - 19/12/05 - 1314 Hours

I woke up today and walked over the police station and nicked a few clips and came back to the warehouse and though I'd get back to sleep. I was laying there and I heard this really loud noise. I got up and ran to the window and saw a helicopter. I thought they had realised their mistake. They were coming to save as but instead they dropped a few creates down and that was it. My fears have now been confirmed. They know that we're here, but they are not saving us. It looks like were here for good and they have sent us here on purpose. Looks like my only way out of here is to build up my clan and take all of these bastards out.

Log 13 - 06/01/06 - 1009 Hours

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.

It's been a pretty quite time recently. Just I and Rooney are left really. Richi went out a few days back and we haven?t seen him since. I'm sure he's safe. He can look after himself now. It's been the same thing every day really. Either ammo runs or a little target practice. I've taken quite a few of them bastards down lately but the fuckers keep getting up. We have a generator now so were keeping warm but I'm getting bored here now. I'm thinking of going travelling soon and building up a little crew.

I believe the mission will begin soon.

Log 14 - 17/01/06 - 1017 Hours

I fear this will be the last entry in my log for a while. I'm in a fire station in Roachtown. When I woke up Richi had left a note saying he was heading to a club in Roachtown due to there being so many Z's around our base. I ran all the way there and those Z bastards were attacking him while I arrived. I ran and took cover in a fire station but it's not barricaded. I don't stand a chance. I just pray to god that Rooney don't read the note and he stays at our old base. If he can bring me back I can come and help Richi. I fear this could be the end of our mission.

God help us all.

Log 15 - 27/01/06 - 1008 Hours

Well a lot has happened lately. The whole crew was slit up. Half were walking around as zombies but things have picked up. Last time I wrote I was almost dead. With my last ounce of strength I took refuge in a building. When zombie came walking in I thought my time was over and just before the bastard went for me a small local group called The Bellhop Boppers came in, cleared the area and took me back to the hotel they use as their base. While there they healed me up and when I was better I went looking for my crew. I managed to get Richi back. Kati come found me. Slowly we managed to bring everyone back together and we are sort of working with the Bellhop Boppers for a while now. We found out if you plug a generator into the NecroTech buildings you can turn all their machines on and work them. Handy stuff!

The most significant thing to happen lately was the newest member to join the HAZ Squad. He's name is Repka. I heard a noise in a local factory and went in to investigate and low and behold there was a zombie in there waiting for me. I took the bastard out but still heard a noise coming from behind a pile of boxes. I cautiously went to check it out and sitting looking up at me was a beautiful big brown dog. I named him Repka after the West Ham right back. He was a double hard bastard just like this dog. I was a little worried at first that I wouldn't be able to find any dog food for him at first but he started chewing at the deadhead that I had just taken out! What a legend!

Anyway, things are starting to look up now.

Log 16 - 28/02/06 - 1018 Hours

It's been about a month since my last blog. We’re still staying in the Fitkin with the Bellhop's. Great guys, they have been so good to us HAZ. To be honest I think they welcome the help. We keep the place barricaded and kill the attacking zombies. There is a local reviving point and I have been bringing loads of guys back too.

I have spent about a week just collecting ammo and lately I have been blowing the shit out of these fuckers left, right and centre! Everything is going pretty well. Repka is good too, I even found a supply of old meat in the hotel that is too old for us humans to eat but he doesn’t seem to mind it.

The amount of experience I have got in lately I honestly believe that I am one of the most experienced people in this whole zombie infested paradise. To be honest I feel so in control now that I don't really mind being here. Before I got here I just a nobody in the outside world, now I'm strong and well respected. I now have experience and confidence. I think the time to build the army is coming. I just need a sign to tell me when.

Log 17 - 09/03/06 - 1222 Hours

Today I bid farewell to our new friends the Bellhopp Boppers. We were all getting restless in the Fitkin. We felt safe there but we had nothing to gain. We were helping people and bringing the odd person back but we needed something new.

I woke up early while the lads were having breakfast and I told them about my plan to head to Fort Creedy and they were a little unsure but I talked them into it. I did a little research with the help of a couple of Bellhopp's who know the area and then decided to make my way there. On my journey I saw a whole bunch of zombies, some of which were going after some humans but I couldn't really stop to help. I had made sure I got here and set up a base for the safety of the HAZ. Most places round here are really boarded up but I found an old bill station that had a gap for me to climb in. I got on the roof and managed to break into a repair shop next door. It's empty and the only way in is through the roof so we should be safe here. I've just sent a message to the lads and they should be here later.

Apart from that there is no new news really. Repka is fine. Tomorrow I'm going to do a little recognisance work and find the best way into the fort. So we will raid there in a few days.

Log 18 - 23/03/06 - 1222 Hours

This is a little strange. Its 14 days to the minute since my last entry.

We raided fort Creedy and it is a very dangerous place. Zombie raids every day. Gangs break in and we fought them off but after a while it just got too much for me. I was injured and took refuge in the local hospital. When I returned it was a war zone. I never stood a chance so I was forced to leave my mates behind and hide. I collected a load of ammo and some supplies from the NecroTech building and decided to go find a new base.

I was looking for a new HQ earlier and saw Rooney. I was pleased to see he was still about but I got closer I realised he had been turned. Fortunately I had my NecroTech stuff on me and gave him an injection and put him in a nearby warehouse that some people were staying in and went back on my way to find a base. Repka chased a zombie into a church and took him out so I dumped the body, barricaded it us and it looks like that is going to be the new HQ. I'm going to go looking for the rest of the guys tomorrow.