Journal:Soldiers Log

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July 3, 2005

It was almost the 4th of July here in America, I was watching tv on post in my barracks. I wasn't really paying any attention to the news I couldn't give a damn less. So I tuned it out for 10 minutes. Then the news caught my attention it was a special report. The news reporter was live from England, there were reports of a deadly virus that was spreading at a very alarming rate in city called Malton. The News reporter concluded there wasn't much known about the virus and that victims would be quarantined. The report wasn't all that exciting so I turned off the tv and went to take care of business that needed tending to.

July 14, 2005

Its been about two weeks since I wrote my thoughts in my log. Ive been pretty busy with Army matters, after all I am a Sergeant to the forces, But today I finally got some down time so I decided to head over a internet coffee cafe to get away from military matters, I took my laptop and plugged it in, I was semi curious about the virus outbreak I wanted to see if they managed to get it under control. So I typed in news of England. I was Directed to the online Malton Examiner website. I looked at the front page news and I was in shock. I sat there in total shock of what I saw. The article was titled local virus spreads into big epidemic , the report said thousands were claimed to be dead and 100 were missing,British police and military are at the last strain to quarantine the infection. I also found out the British government was calling on American troops for support. If anyone could clean up the mess it would be America.

July 22, 2005

The epidemic story is really interesting me, I really wanna see how this thing is gonna work out. I found out from the news that a battalion of American Marines were deployed in London, England and were in bound to head to Malton to so called " Clean up " I thought to myself and said " this outbreak wont last long now " After that I went on about my business.

August 10, 2005

Work has been a killer these two weeks haven't got much time to myself. Its like that when you have a career in the military. But while on lunch break instead of consuming my food I wanted to see what was going on the other side of the Atlantic. I wanted to see how the Marine forces in Malton were doing. I found out the British government was calling on more soldiers. I replied to my self " they already sent 500 US marines what the hell happened to them " Well later that night I decided to look further into the subject. I found on the news the battalion that was sent to Malton, England and dozens were found to be dead from friendly fire and there were a lot of them that just went missing. I didn't see how 500 of Americas best fight force would go missing like that.

September 20, 2005

Today we got orders that the Army would head to the border of Malton, England. We would be first NATO Forces sent into England to stand ground. The General In charge was named General Stone, the misson was called Operation Steelwall. Our mission a simple one, kill anything that steps foot onto quarantined zone. That alone wasn't hard for a Marksman shooter such as myself. I cleaned my Designated Marksman Rifle well for I didn't want any gun jams in the heat of the battle. I had all the ammo I would need sitting at the border behind lines and lines of razor wire and tripwire.

September 30, 2005

" Greetings an welcome to Malton, England ". Thats the what the commander said to me when I showed up at the tent where the generals and colonels planned attacks and staging defense's around the perimeter. When I arrived I was told a lot of classified information about the virus outbreak. Yea know the stuff the dumb ass media would blab if they found out. I was told the Virus is highly Contagious. A mere scratch, bite or contact with blood of the dead or infected would result in catching the virus. I replied " dead " " what do you mean by dead " They responded " Thats right son dead " there all dead that and brought back to life by the virus " They also told me the symptoms of the infection which were vomiting Copious amounts of infected blood, Bleeding from every orifice the body has and seizure like episodes in the limbs and arms and finally the redding of the eye. I spoke up and said " If they are living why cant we save them " They told me " There is no cure and they aren't exactly what they used to be " I replied " Sir explain " He said " well damn your full of shit aren't you " when the victim dies from the infection it causes radical changes to the brain they begin to act very violently towards the living they show no pain towards fire there only main objective is kill the uninfected " I soon realized this isn't going to be such a simple mission as I thought.

October 1, 2005

It was first day on the assignment. I spent most of day looking threw the scope of my weapon, killing refugees that tried to climb over the razor wire. I didn't feel good about blowing the livings brains to smithereens but it had to be done The Border had to be protected at all costs 50 caliber machine guns lined the border. Soldiers were armed with m16's and Laws and if that didn't stop them the marksman shooters with there rifles would.