Mr Demise | ||||||||||
Journal: Property of Orouis Demise
May 5, 2003
I was just promoted vice chairman of the studies and research department, a sweet victory for me, this calls for celebration with the wife and kids. Details tommorrow.
May 6, 2003
Turns out they knew, threw me a big party, I loved it, what I can remember that is, I guess I had one to many shots.
December 27, 2004
I thought I had lost you! Well recently the guys have been saying that necrotech has found a cure for death.AMAZING! But I'm pretty sure screwing with the natural order will have bad effects, but Kersley dismissed that notion quickly. They say a big earthquake is coming, but I don't believe it.
April 22, 2007
THREE YEARS! THREE BLOODY YEARS! I've been in a coma for three friggin' years. Last I remember is a violent shaking in the building and a piece of the cieling plummeting towards me. I woke up on a gurney, and then I heard the terrible news. Zombies have infested the city, killed everyone I knew, and now, it's payback time!
April 23, 2007
I've founded a new company called New Necrotech, which is dedicated to the rehabilitation of zombies.