Lexicon:Grim undertaking
This page is a part of the Survival Lexicon. The information here is fan-created and should not be considered in-game canon. Please do not edit this page unless you are certain that the Lexicon has been completed.
Bolt upright. Hands on axe. Grip tightens. Sound came from behind. Whirl. Must be another room. Motion to other man to keep order. He and nurses reassure crying children. One doctor follows me. Out doorway. Look round. Broken glass spilling from supply room. Grip tightens further. Doctor cowers behind me. Tell him to fight or flee. He flees. Typical. Low growling. Back to wall, sidestep towards door. It comes out before I go in. Stinks of blood and shit. Used to be a cop. Stops. Sniffs the air. Turns to face me. Swing. Axe head buries itself in its skull. Kick to ribs, slumps to floor. Dead and gone. Check the supply room. Window out. No others there. Cautiously, climb to window. Look out. No others in immediate areas. Flickering shadows several streets down. Not safe for more than an hour, at most. Judgement call. Room full of potential monsters, awaiting infection. Grip on axe tightens again. Me or them, most likely.
I choose me. Always me.