Malton Danger Updaters

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Malton Danger Updaters
Malton Danger Updaters
Malton Danger Updaters | Talk | History | Current Assignments | Roster | Allies | Tools | Recruitment Ad
The Malton Danger Updaters are a loose group of players whose goal is to keep Malton's DangerReport system up-to-date across the city.

Latest Updates

Well, after a couple several months of hiatus, we're doing a big sweep again! Help us mark those buildings which are months out of date as "unknown" — see our Assignments page for more.

Joining & Rules

If you are interested in having an alt join the MDU, it's easy! Just visit the Roster page and add yourself, and then head over to Current Assignments and find one that works for you!

If you represent a group which is interested in endorsing MDU & taking our pledge of non-interference, please visit our Allies Page.

MDU alts may be of any variety, but are generally discouraged from "playing" the game when on MDU assignment. Some players may choose to interact minimally in order to build useful skills, like lurching gait for zombies, etc. In general, the best way to do this is to go to a Ghost Town as a zombie and bash on barricades, or to a Safe suburb as a survivor, take minimal damage and then heal yourself (or punch another player and then heal them — with their consent!) Ghost towns and safe suburbs can be found on the city map — if you visit one which is also a current assignment, you can multitask!


MDU members are forbidden from zerging. To this end, please keep any MDU alt you may have at least two suburbs away from any other alt of yours — this prevents the game's zerg flag from nabbing you, and keeps things squeaky clean for us.

If a player wearing Malton Danger Updaters tags engages in prohibited activity (i.e. extensively participating in-game, PKing/GKing, etc.) note that a] MDU does not condone such activity and will not come to the player's defense; and b] some players may have an alt which formerly carried different tags but has since switched to MDU. Such characters are still responsible for their past actions, and switching to MDU tags will not protect you from, for example, an outstanding bounty on your character being collected.