Marine Recon Codename: Cerebus

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Marine Recon Codename: Cerebus
Location: Pegton
Forward Base: Not Established
Allies: Bravo Co/20th Infantry Bn, MHDF


This group currently originally started as a fire team from Alpha Co./2nd Recon Bn./2nd Mar. Div. Originally sent to find out exactly what the emergency in Malton was, they were immediately assaulted and lost both contact with Marine HQ and their Sergeant. Now under the command of Cpl. Phenris they have been Codenamed Cerebus by Marine HQ to represent the three surviving members. They now work closely with Bravo Co/20th Infantry Bn, MHDF within Pegton.


  • Cpl. Phenris - Senior Marine Enlisted, Current Command
  • HM2. Phamily (Doc, Dr.) - Corpsman
  • LCpl. Phamine - Combat Engineer

Current Operational Status

Under the command of Cpl. Phenris the fire team linked up with Bravo Co/20th Infantry Bn, MHDF in Pegton. Though Zeds were found at the initial rally point Cerebus was able to terminate them. A secondary rally point was implemented and currently the group is assisting in the defense of Pegton.