Minions of Hell

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The Minions of Hell were one of the most evil blackmetal bands to tour the clubs of Malton. The blackmetal scene was small compared to much of the mainstream music, but the band was infamous amongst the locals. They gained attention through satanic based lyrics, church burnings and public vandalism. They were despised by government officials and religious leaders alike. The band was days away from signing with a local record label when the infection struck and the city was quarantined.

At first it was a dream come true for the band, they robbed stores, looted houses, and randomly beat up human and zombie alike. The fun continued until HammerFist, the bands drummer was caught by a roaming mob of the undead and torn apart. Amused by the scene, but pissed that they need to find a new drummer, the band went wild and began to bludgeon many of the undead to death, again. The fun continued until Vile, the keyboardist, was bitten badly and was forced to retreat. Vile was losing alot of blood and looking worse with each passing moment, so the band decided to hold up in a near by warehouse, after raiding a liquor store of course.

They sat in silence for about an hour, waiting for the mob outside to thin out. Finally, once it looked clear, the bands bassist and singer, DethBreath, and the lead guitarist, Demonix, decided to flip a coin. The loser would have to sneak out and attempt to find some form of aid for their injured bandmate. Much to his dislike, DethBreath lost the toss. After a few minutes of bitching and moaning about it he decided to man up and just do it, it was a fair flip after all. He grabbed a beer and quickly set out in search of bandages and pain killers.

Upon DethBreath's return he found more bad news. Vile had fully turned, and what was worse was Demonix lay before him with his insides spread about the room. Quietly, DethBreath armed himself with a near by piece of wood and slowly tried to sneak up behind his former band mate. Vile was very busy slurping on pieces of Demonix and would not have heard DethBreaths approach if it were not for the kick of an empty beer bottle. DethBreath was just about to let the curses fly when he was slammed to the ground by Vile. They rolled from side to side in the struggle until DethBreath was finally able to get the upper hand.

DethBreath kicked off Vile and it gave him just enough time to find that very same beer bottle that gave him away. He grabbed hold of it and smashed it on a crate turning into a weapon. He dove on Vile, slashing and stabbing wildly, he continued for several minutes, even long after his once friend stopped moving. Gasping for breath he slid away from the maimed body and leaned against a box. He was about to celebrate with a beer when he felt a warm sensation running down his fingers, he had been bitten on the wrist. With a sigh, he dropped to the ground and sat in complete silence, except for the occasional pop of a beer cap.

DethBreath now wanders the streets of Malton, lost in his train of thought, but still grasping onto brief images of his blackmetal past. He is searching for new band members while feeding his hunger for human flesh. Though he can no longer play it, he drags behind him a badly weathered bass guitar. All the strings are broken except for one and much of the paint has been chipped away from being pulled along through building ruins and dead bodies.

Our Purpose

The Minions of Hell still grasp onto their blackmetal lifestyle, and wish to force it down the throat of the city. They may not be able to headbang like they use to, but they can still bang heads and bring down the house, literally. They travel around the city "playing shows" at clubs and sometimes warehouses giving the locals a time they will never forget. Their musical skills may be a bit lacking, but they atleast no longer need to put on the corpse paint. If time permits on their busy tour schedule they may drop by and terrorize the local churches for old time sake.

Join the Minions of Hell!

The Minions of Hell are seeking band members who love blackmetal. Band positions are open, and we are always in need of roadies, groupies and fans to make it a packed show. We also seek other bands to tour with and make the experience for the local survivors much more thrilling.

Current Band Line-up

  • DethBreath - Singer / Bassist
  • Open - Lead Guitarist
  • Open - Rhythm Guitarist
  • Open - Drummer
  • Open - Boardist

Previous Band Members

  • Demonix - Lead Guitarist
  • HammerFist - Drummer
  • Vile - Keyboardist

Roadies None