Section 66

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Section 66: I Will Arise From the Fire.

Section 66


Section 66: Standard Issue Patch

Section 66 is an emergency response team formed at the start of the outbreak. Our priorities lie with the thousands of civilians still trapped within the city limits. We are not just another assassination squad, but instead, here to help, and to give hope for the future. Little is still known about the zombie hoards, if there is a cure, we certainly don’t want to be the ones responsible for millions of avoidable deaths. Although we are all well trained in different forms of combat, we rely mostly on our wits in order to witness the next sunrise.

We’re here to live.


Primary objective: To restore order and well being to the city.

Secondary objective: To ensure infected have been dealt with accordingly.


Section 66: Sgt. Kirley

Charlie Company

First Squad

- LT. Billy Dungey

Dungey joined up with 66 two years ago. Before any op's in the quarantine, Dungey was primarily a base runner. Though he was equipped with Specific Response Training, the folks up north never suspected such an incident to occur. Dungey was given responsibility of Charlie during Operation: Corkscrew, the first breach, second wave...

Though his uniform is now frayed, the fighting Irish spirit inside of him remains bold and true. His travels are protected, or so his mother told him, by a St. Christopher, patron saint of travel, pendant he wears on a small gold chain, around his neck.

Most of his equipment has been lost or forgotten in raids and running, but he has kept little ammo and a 9mm handgun. His rucksack, kept close, holds the important items he has found en route.

- Sgt. Alexander Kirley

Alexander “eye’s” Kirley joined Section 66 after not meeting regulation strength requirements for regular forces. What he lacks in body mass he makes up for in endurance. Being able to run for miles, or stay quiet and still for hours. He acts as the scout for the rest of the group.

Kirley grew up in southern Ontario, Canada. His family was taken by the first wave of zombies. He nearly escaped with his life. Being a somewhat religious person, and knowing that suicide would earn him a place in hell, he joined the army in hopes of dying a Christians death, earning his place in heaven with his family.

With having yet to find a foe worthy of taking his life, Kirley makes sure the coast is clear before Section 66 makes their move.

CPL. Matthew "Lunch Box" McAllister

McAllister was a Medic in the Canadian Armed Forces, one of the many soldiers who signed up the day after the contamination in hopes of making a difference. Returning from a routine check of a military quarantine zone, McAllister came home to see his wife and child brutally murdered by the zombies. After a long standoff, McAllister was the only one in his regiment to live, and he barely got out alive. Fleeing the now contaminated zone, McAllister was on his own, looking for a way to stay above water and stay alive.

After a few weeks on his own, McAllister met up with Lt. Dungey and Sgt. Kirley from Section 66 and quickly joined, hoping to make a difference. He got the nickname Lunch Box for his sheer size and gigantic appetite. Lunch Box is a damn good medic, and fights the zombies with sheer brute strength when the time comes, and always putting his crew above himself time after time.

A picture is all he has, a memory fo the life he once lived. The memory of his family keeps Lunch Box going, wanting to payback this infestation for what they did to his perfect life. He will not rest until the infestation is over, or he has no breath left in his gigantic lungs. ...

Sit Rep

Section 66 to rendevouz in Barville.