SillyLillyPilly/Fear and Loathing

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Fear and Loathing of Lil Lillys

Our name is enough to invoke fear in other survivors. When high level players feel like that have to kill new Lil Lillys at every opportunity, I should remember not to despair. Just recognize that they are so sacred of me, they'll go out of their way to gun me down even when I'm first level...
You know what that means girl?
That means you're doing a great job!!!

Examples of the SLP Fear Response

April 29, 2008 - 1st level Lilly killed by 41st level Rent-A-Cop

  • Mokeman shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (26 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. (25 minutes ago) ...and again. (25 minutes ago) ...and again. (25 minutes ago)
  • Mokeman shot you with a shotgun for 8 damage. (25 minutes ago)
  • Mokeman shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (25 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
  • Mokeman said "SLP. Please be aware that Penny Heights is nto a safe place for your Pking group. A lot of people are aware of your presence here, so be prepared for a fight on your hands if you plan to stick around." (24 minutes ago)
  • Mokeman shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (23 minutes ago)
  • You were killed by Mokeman. (23 minutes ago)
  • Mokeman dumped your body out onto the street. (23 minutes ago)

scary scary, bet you felt all big after that. i couldn't hardly kill a healthy zombie let a lone be a threat to your precious Penny Heights -- SiIIyLiIIyPiIIy 06:04, 1 May 2008 (BST)

April 30, 2008 - It's that 1st level Zombie Lilly, this time against the 18th level DNA snatching Marine

the action again takes place at a revive point

  • Pagina extracted a DNA sample from you. (55 minutes ago)
  • Pagina shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (54 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. (53 minutes ago)
  • You took a Headshot from Pagina the Zombie Hunter! You will need to spend an extra 5AP to stand up. (53 minutes ago)

this one totally knew what he was doing, and this came all out of fear of the name. -- SiIIyLiIIyPiIIy 06:04, 1 May 2008 (BST)


now how many other characters can claim they've been killed multiple times in a 24 hour period? at 1st level? and at least twice just because of their name? that's power, and that's the power of fear

May 2, 2008 - that harmless 1st level Zombie Lilly gunned down and head shot by a 12th level, non-descripive zombie hunter

  • a banana hamock extracted a DNA sample from you. (2 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • a banana hamock shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (2 hours and 13 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. (2 hours and 12 minutes ago) ...and again. (2 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  • You took a Headshot from a banana hamock the Zombie Hunter! You will need to spend an extra 5AP to stand up. (2 hours and 12 minutes ago)

yeah, really? -- SiIIyLiIIyPiIIy 19:13, 2 May 2008 (BST)

There we have it

Why would these people come after us like that? Simple. Fear. It is fear of the name. SillyLillyPilly means something to them, and it means that in their eyes, even a level 1 Lilly is a very threat their existence and all they hold dead. So hang in there girl! They're scared of you. You're doing a Greaaat Job!!!

Story Time

Do we have more stories we want to talk about? Come one and tell us about our great times of seeing see Milton's supposed finest defending themselves from the SLP menace.