Southside revivers

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The Southside Revivers Southside revivers.jpg

Who are we?

The Southside Revivers are a small group of dedicated scientists, formerly employed by Necrotech to assist in distributing the cure. It is Reviver policy to revive any zombie when possible without discrimination. It is the belief of the Revivers that all zombies should be cured in order to stop the rapid spread of the disease and contain the infection. Since it is the policy of the Revivers to revive anyone and everyone, this includes those survivors who have commited murder. The justification behind this belief is that once the disease is cured and the social order is restablished, those who have committed crimes will be brought to justice. Combat revives are considered an effective and crucial strategy in countering the zombie disease outbreak amoung the members of the Southside Revivers. Since any survivor who falls victim to a zombie attack eventually rises as a member of the undead, it follows that without wantonly distributing the cure, all survivors will eventually succumb to the disease. Our goal means that we will attempt to defend the supply of revive syringes and the NT buildings that house them because they are our last hope against the scourge of this horrific disease.

How to join.

If you are a scientist and have the ability to revive, we want you. To join, set your group to Southside Revivers and start wantonly reviving. Remember, defend the cure at all costs and cure the undead of their plight. The more undead revived means the more survivors we have to distribute the cure.