St. Christopher's Church (Kinch Heights)
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St. Christopher's Church EHB++ Sushieraser (talk) 13:49, 15 July 2021 (UTC)
St. Christopher's Church
Kinch Heights [47, 88]
Basic Info:
St. Christopher's Church (Kinch Heights)
Currently the operating base of the Pastrami Alliance.
Founded by a breakaway congregation who thought Saint Aiden was a jerk.
Barricade Policy
Acording to the Kinch Heights Barricade Policy, this building should be at Extreamly Hevily Barricaded at ALL TIMES.
Current Status
Barricaded but dark, there has been a recent increase in zombie activity to the south.
This page, St. Christopher's Church (Kinch Heights), is a locations stub. Please help us to improve the wiki by contributing to this page. Be sure the following information is added to the page: coordinates, suburb, 9 block map (or 16 block map for large buildings), description, barricading policy, and history. Please refer to the Location Style Guide. |