St. Matthew's Hospital Staff/Recent Events

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Archived Recent Events

Events Older Than 5 Entries Should Be Placed Here

  • September 21st, 2007. Recently a group of survivors reclaimed the Pegton hospital and fought off what zombies they could. Barricades were rebuilt but a generator hasn't yet been provided. A crowd of zombies rem ain in the nearby areas but medical operations are being reinstituted. --Prof. Latirus 15:38, 21 September 2007
  • September 18th, 2007. A week or so ago, a huge zed swarm laid waste to Pegton, leaving very few buildings usable. St. Matthew's Hospital was utterly ruined during the surge and scattered the staff. Currently, staff are restocking in Giddings to the North. Some other staff are setting up staging areas. Dr. Bathe is in a nearby pub, but will not disclose the location here. To find out, email Dr. Bathe at --Bathe 19:22, 18 September 2007 (BST)
  • September 10th, 2007. Wandering around dead for almost a whole month is leaving me frustrated and wishing for a revive. I've been shot, clawed, bitten and killed over the past few weeks. I am calling for a revive. I am near St. Siricus Hospital. Someone revive me please. Im tierd of the Zed life. Both me and my bro are both dead and a revive is starting to look like a no go. However, it is nice to see Dr. Bathe back. Welcome back sir.--SpacemanSpiffReturns
  • August 30th, 2007. Dr. James Bathe has returned to St. Matthew's, Pegton after a long mysterious absence. --Bathe 21:28, 30 August 2007 (BST)
  • August 6th, 2007: As I just mentioned in the hospital, my shunning is now over. Due to the kind words from SpacemanSpiffReturns I have decided to move on to bigger and better things. Please feel free to exact your revenge if we ever meet again, but know that as of right now I will no longer attack your group at random (inside or out of the hospital) but I'm happy to come back for more fun if you want. OH PSNAP! --Psnap 02:32, 7 August 2007 (BST)
  • August 5th, 2007:: Psnap, I did nothing to you and you randomly come into St. Matthew's Hospital and say "I dont support combat Revives or Heals", kill me and my brother. You expect us not to hunt you down? You're the one in the wrong. I have two screenshots that have to do with you on my computer. One is when you killed me, and the other was just an hour ago when you TRIED to kill me. Im not the one who fucked you over at the Mall. I dont travel to malls unless I absolutely have to. So leave me out of this. Someone might just used our group name so you could get pissed off at us. You dont have any buissness killing random St. Matthew's Hospital Staff members. Lets stop this useless PKing, okay? user:SpacemanSpiffReturns
  • August 3rd 2007: We didn't give you the moniker. I don't know which member declared you a PK'r, but you are already on the Rogues Gallery from a PK two months ago. Take it up with them, not us.--Doctor Hurt
  • August 3rd 2007: No no, you misunderstand...I don't want to prove anyone wrong, just live up to the moniker I was given. --Psnap 02:09, 4 August 2007 (BST)
  • August 3rd 2007: So for being called a PK'er, You decide to prove us wrong by PKing us..... --Poyudi Hytori 17:37, 3 August 2007 (BST)
  • August 2nd, 2007: Good day, this is Psnap. Since you have deemed it necessary to call me out on your page, I will be happy to oblige you all with a response. One of your members, upon seeing me in Giddings about 2 weeks ago hollered out that I was a PK'er and that and then dashed from the scene. This of course made it rather awkward for me to stick around Giddings, as you can well imagine. If he wants to collect a bounty on me, then so be it...but don't act the pansy and call me out and then flee. Due to this action (and this action alone) I have decided to target your operation for a while and make a general nuisance of myself up to and including PKing every St. Matthew's Hospital Staff member I can manage until the time of shunning has ended. Please take this under advisement. Best Regards --Psnap 07:44, 3 August 2007 (BST)
  • August 2nd, 2007: Psnap has PK'd me for no reason. This is the second time he has PK'd a St. Matt's Staff member, the first being Atlus Rhender (mentioned below) whom I saw him do it to and actually put him on my Contacts list for it, which is how I know it was him. I challenge him to write here what St. Matt's Staff did to him at Giddings Mall, because I doubt any of St. Matt's Staff would do anything other than heal him. Otherwise, he is just using it as an excuse to PK. He has one week to write his grievance and explain his actions before I add him to the Rogues Gallery.--Doctor Hurt
  • August 1st, 2007: user:SpacemanSpiffReturns After becomming frustrated, I have moved out of Pegton and went all the way down to Odsmonville and am currently sitting outside a NT building waiting for a revive. After comming across several people before that, only one seemed to be smart enough to have a DNA Extractor. However, considering how many people have hit me, I am doing all right. Once Im revived, Im gonna try to get a combat team up to St. Matthew's to help me take it back if its fallen.

Im extremely frustrated with this zombie attack, these random PKer's and nobody DNA Extracing and reviving the zed's who need to be revived.

  • July 31st, 2007: Psnap said he PK'd because St. Matt's Staff did something to him in Giddings Mall. Hi Im Paul is right for being mad at combat revives, although PK'ing Spiff in random was a bad decision. Anyways, I consider both of them hostile and would not hesitate to empty a few shells in them. Oh and if someone has a spare needle, I'm at Somerville. --Uber Anschluzer
  • July 30th, 2007: user:SpacemanSpiffReturns After Atlus and I were PK'd by Hi Im Pual, cause he dosen't "support combat revives or heals, I've decided the son of a bitch is gonna get owned on my next zombie rampage, then if he's lucky I'll revive him. Ha! Not gonna happen.
  • July 29th, 2007: user:Atlus Rhender Well, I made it back, obviously, with you guys and then I was PK'd by Psnap for no apparent reason. I would watch out for him, especially since I don't know who else he killed as well after he took me out.
  • July 26th, 2007: user:SpacemanSpiffReturns After reviving my brother, we went into St. Matthew's, secured the door and are waiting for enough AP to revive the other kids who are in there with us, there is only 2. After we do so, we're gonna cade it to HB. If anyone checks this, PLEASE come back to help me and my bro keep it safe. I have 4 revives left and about 15 FAK's. I only hope its enough. I will get the Hospital back, we will hold it for as long as we can! St. Matthew's shall be a safe spot once again! Im waiting for an hour, then I plan to revive them again hopefully.
  • July 26th, 2007: user:Uber Anschluzer I haven't left Pegton since the attacks and the situation is still bad. Most of the staff is lying dead on the ground so I can't revive them, including your bro Spiff. Staff, if you're a zed then head to Somerville RP and I'll revive you as soon as I can. Club Randell and the museums around it are empty and at different levels of barricades, head there if you need a relatively safe place to stay in Pegton.
  • July 25th, 2007: user:SpacemanSpiffReturns I am currently in Crowbank at Peter's General hospital. I've stockpiled at least 20 FAK's, I've got 6 revives and I've got a couple of others who I hope will help me out. I only hope I can get St. Matthew's back. I need to revive my brother if he has yet to be revived. He's a cader and a defender, a valuable asset. Hold on St. Matthew's, Im comming to get you back! Either that, I'll die trying.
  • July 24th, 2007: user:Atlus Rhender I am currently at St. Matthew's in Santlerville restocking on FAK's and providing minimal medical aid there. I haven't met up with any other staff members with the exception of Doctor Hurt at Giddings Mall two days ago. Just to note also, that St. Matthew's in Santlerville is EHB, so keep that in mind if anyone chooses to head here.
  • July 21st, 2007: user:spacemanSpiffReturns RobertSaffery and I have been talkin' about our new plans of action. We are retreating to Giddings Mall then after we're revived we will head over to Sulion's hospital. From there or the mall we will stock up on FAK's, weapons etc etc and head back into pegton and take it back.


  • July 20th, 2007: user:SpacemanSpiffReturns St. Elizabeth's kept us safe for 2 days. During the confusion, only 8 members survived. However, the next day we all died. We are scattered about Pegton, I am waiting outside the NT building waiting for a revive. After I am revived, I am going down to giddings mall where I hope everyone will read this. We are goin' to giddings dead or alive then we're gonna go to the other St. Matthew's Hospital until this attack on Pegton leaves then we will go back to Pegton and take St. Matthew's back. I have no clue who's dead or who's alive. One thing is for certain though: This attack was organized by the Zed Group L.U.E.

End Entry.

  • July 17th, 2007: user:kingdaughter After relocating to St. Elizabeth's when St. Matthew's was overrun, St. Elizabeth's is now in zombie hands. Many of the staff are in need of revives. Rally point to follow soon, I hope.
  • July 10th, 2007: user:SpacemanSpiffReturns, Its been a week since DoW and I_11 have decalred war on eachother. Peacetalks are goin on right now in the hospital as I write this. Temporarily Cease-fire is in effect. Some members from each group have yet to be informed. More and more users are comming to the hospital. Details right now are scarce. More will be added later once we have more info.

  • July 5th, 2007: user:SpacemanSpiffReturns, We've had an increase of people wanting to join up with the hospital. We've been told we are very organized and we all work together. We heal anyone and everyone. GKer, PKer, etc etc, we dont care who you are, our job is to heal/revive you then we shall heal or revive you. We have all been working together to keep the Hospital safe and sound. We've had quite a few break-ins, but we're managing to keep the zeds at bay. We just had quite a few people join up with us, currently we have 17 official members as well as more to soon be registed. We're trying to finish setting up operation P.E.R.P. so all of Pegton can call for medics, caders and defenders. Robert Saffery and I have been working around the clock as well as the others, to make sure St. Matthew's stays operational. So far, we've been attracting a lot of people lately. Hopefully we'll be up and running for a bit. Currently, we're tryin to set up a secuirty building next door which'll host the Hospitals defence from St. Matthew's. Such users as my brother, Kerahcaz, would stay there until we came under attack then him and the others would come over and help defend the hospital. For those who are curious, our cades stay at VSB++ to let new comers in so they have a sleep place to sleep. We have been makin' sure the users under level 5 are healed and if we can, revive them. This is SSR, signing off.

Disclaimer: We'll heal suspicious people as long as they don't kill in the hospital

  • May 12th: user:Bono Landy, here. iv visited the hospitals in Pegton, St. Siricius's Hospital was empty so i caded it to light barricade. As for St Mathew's, there are 4 Zeds, there was little i could do as my team have answered Individual 11 request to barricade the Rowcliffe Building as it is currently open with three Individual 11 members inside. This mission is complete and i am wanting to know if you are still alive as your last write in was may 3rd.
  • May 3rd: Disaster. The hospital has fallen to the Zed horde. Known staff members to have been killed: Dr. Bathe, Shimbles, Leetzors, and likely many more. I have been revived, and will revive others. We need to pick a St. Matthew's revive point, though, should this happen again.
  • April 8th: The hospital is under siege as the RRF and the like move through the area, trying to spread the zombie taint. We have many survivors pledging to the holding of this hospital and have lost two brave souls to the zeds, but we will not give up. St. Matthew's will remain standing and mostly powered as long as we hold this building. --Bathe 04:51, 9 April 2007 (BST)
  • March 27th: Our own Robert Saffery is leaving the hospital in Pegton to search out other St. Matthew's Hospitals throughout Malton. If successful, the hospital group could become a major survivor group in Malton and make the death rate fall a bit. Everyone at the hospital wishes him luck! In addition to this, we had a minor break in and our generator was destroyed. No casualties and everyone made it through mostly ok. --Bathe 21:47, 27 March 2007 (BST)
  • March 11th: Currently, the Mall Tour '07 is marching through the area, making the hospital a prime target. Patients are advised to come for healing then hide in surrounding buildings that are of lower profile. Additionally, artwork now graces our wards thanks to the wonderful charity work of Aranna Free. Thank you for making the hospital feel more warm and welcoming! --Bathe 20:39, 11 March 2007 (UTC)
  • February 26th: Today was a brutal day for the hospital. Our policy of healing every injured person has lead to the murder of Dr. Bathe and many of the patients in the hospital. Osama bin ladinentered the hospital from an adjacent square and began killing hospital staff. The hospital status is unknown at this time. --Bathe 15:11, 26 February 2007 (UTC)
  • Feb 24th: One of the patients managed to secure a generator and fuel, but the barricades have left him stranded outside. He is holed up and waiting for a chance to make it back into the hospital to deliver the supplies. --User:Robert Saffery
  • February 23rd: Early this afternoon, zombies have again broken through the barricades and have attacked the patrons of our hospital. They destroyed the generator and have created all sorts of havoc. The large amount of people in the hospital is attracting zeds, but this is unavoidable. Patrons are advised to barricade the doors and fight off the zed attack. --Bathe 20:26, 23 February 2007 (UTC)
  • February 22nd: This morning the zombies have destroyed our barricades and dragged some of the hospitals survivors out to the streets. Orderly Shimbles healed a casualty in the building while other survivors killed the zeds. Dr. Bathe awoke, threw the bodies outside, and then locked the doors. He then went outside, found the two survivors in the street and healed both of them to almost full health, running out of FAK's before completing the task. We need help! --Bathe 15:07, 22 February 2007 (UTC)
  • February 18th: The zeds seem to have dispersed. MEMS Leader RennisZotorman has dropped by and has provided a generator. The hospital is back in service. Now if only we could get this barricade lowered just slightly... --Bathe 18:09, 18 February 2007 (UTC)
  • February 16th: The siege continues. Zombies have broken through the barricades and are attacking the survivors. We need military assistance to help fend them off. As of 12:30 EST, the building is wide open and being attacked. One zed is in the building. UPDATE: Zed has been removed. Building is now at EHB status and needing assistance from Necrotec to clear the streets of zombies.--Dr. Bathe
  • February 15th: The hospital is currently under zombie attack. They broke the VHB line and got in, smashing a generator and harming many of the patients, including some medical staff. The zombies were repelled and a light barricade was constructed. The barricade was further reinforced to VSB. We need to restore power. --Dr. Bathe