The Abandoned Warriors/Recruitment

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Who are we? We are victims of fate, we are alive in desperate times, we are survivors of an apocalypse, we are warriors. When the first of the dead started to rise in the neighborhood we were the ones who grabbed anything we could and save our friends, our families and our loved ones.

We remain here in Mornington to fight for our homes, to remember those who are no longer with us and because if we don't, than who will? We lived free once, free of tyranny, free of oppression and free of fear. Those who take refuge in forts and malls are cowards. They gladly give up their homes to take the easy way out, leaving all they knew behind. We are warriors, we remain and we continue to fight.

Why should you join us, because you are a warrior. Years ago the government abandoned you here. You had two choices, to live or die. You chose life, which makes you one of us; a warrior.

Wiki: The Abandoned Warriors
