The Daily Spotlight/Penny Heights Breathes Again.

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This article has been written by Ross Johnson A.K.A. Vinetown Scout

Penny Heights Breathes Again

As the Big Bash continues its unstoppable march around Malton, survivor debate rages on. Many groups are standing firm, whilst others are retreating from the undead horde. Only one thing is common amongst those still alive. Wherever the zombies pass, only ruins remain.

This reporter has spent the last week embedded in Penny Heights.

A Dark Christmas

Christmas day was the day the burb finally fell. All buildings wrecked and the dead lying in the street. The occasional sound of helicopters the only sound audible above the groans.

But now life returns.

The Lumberjacks was one of the first groups who began to gain ground, targeting Lumber Mall. By January 2nd. Survivors had cleared the long halls of the undead and attempting to re-establish power.

A Dream Of Rebirth

Talking within the malls hardware store Colonel Angus Cooter shared his vision with me,“that the fine denizens of Penneh Heights will rise forth again”.

Outside few buildings were secure but the Colonel believed that cooperation was the key, explaining the need to be, “ joinin' forces with othuh like-minded, benevolent fraternal orduhs.”

As more and more survivors crowded into the mall the Colonel climbed onto a nearby fountain and shouted a battle cry.”Ah urge all common folk of good heart, proletariat and bourgeoisie alike, to lend their disparate strengths and efforts toward this end, resurrectin' our fair hamlet from the ignominous ashes it has been reduced to."

All Hands To The Cades

Moving across Penny Heights I encountered wandering packs of ferals but made it safely to Joachim Mall. The situation there was tense, and no survivors could spare time from frantic barricading to spare me an interview. But rumours arose that the Craddy Building, owned by Necrotech was again manned by scientists.

On the fourth I arrived at the Necrotech to see these reports were true. Engineers were replacing smashed equipment and the grisly process of reviving the slain had commenced. I asked unaffiliated survivor Jonas Breaker for an update, and he explained progress was “slow and steady”, before requesting my help with healing the injured. The recapture of this building appear to have been at heavy cost.

Seeking my next lead, I moved on to the other local Necrotech office in the the Rothwell Building. Again survivors greeted me, but nerves were frayed. Ignatz Walechowitz, one of the buildings reclaimers broadcast "Rothwell NT online. Come search and defend,"to the surrounding zones.

Cautious Hope

Finally today, I returned to where I started my investigation- Lumber Mall. Heavily populated and lit up like a Christmas tree. In ten days the suburb had reclained key buildings and survivors are exacting revenge for the sacking of their homes. But the day is not won yet. As I left to file my report I was stopped by Jams Snow who warned me, "They are never beaten, only dispersed, for a while." I wished him luck as I headed west.