The Freedom Party

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The Freedom Party
Abbreviation: Freedom!
Group Numbers: Unknown
Leadership: Unknown
Goals: The reform of Malton
Recruitment Policy: Contact us on our forums, or find us in-game.

Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves.

Abraham Lincoln 

The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as his liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty.

Abraham Lincoln  

Liberty will not descend to a people; a people must raise themselves to liberty; it is a blessing that must be earned before it can be enjoyed.

Charles Caleb Colton 

Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.

Martin Luther King Jr. 

The Freedom Party

Malton is a city rife with corruption, ignorance and weakness. The groups that are in power lord it over the others, with the same few people continually in power. They prey on smaller groups, brutally asserting their authority through violence and intimidation. The average player is meanwhile unrepresented, considered nothing but a meat shield to absorb the next wave of unchallenged zombies. It has gone on this way long enough. It's time for the average citizens of Malton to stand up for their rights. It's time for all of Malton, survivors and pkers alike, to unite and put the zombies back in their places. Most of all, it's time for the oppressors to pay for their laxity. Its time for them to pay for everything they've done to us. How can this happen? The Freedom Party has the answer.