The Omniscient

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The Omniscient
Abbreviation: T.O., Omni
Group Numbers: 17
Leadership: Lord Lex92(Lex in wiki) and logster
Goals: To wipe out the plauge tht is destroying our fair city of Malton.
Recruitment Policy: Looking for people with revive skills and free running, however we will except anyone who is trustworthy
Contact: wiki and join The badass brotherhood)


None currently but with one exception...RECRUIT PEOPLE!!!


Recently the Badass Brotherhood has merged with us


To join create an account on Urban Dead Wiki and click the edit button. Then type in your character name in urban dead, your wiki name, and your skills. Here is an example:

Lex Lex Human skills:basic fire arms training, pistol training, advanced pistol training, free running, construction Zed skills: vigour mortis, death grip, tangling grasp

just chat

We are all so talkative aren't we?-Lex


Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.


Mad props to Lex for making this somehow -Logster

oh ya we know I'm the man Logster -Lex

Screen5.jpg Behold our army and its might.
