The Ridleybank Resistance Front/Project intervention

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An Address from Dictator Moloch of the Gore Corps

Zambahz of Ridleybank, lend me your ears. Not literally! I said NOT LITERA... PUT IT BACK ON YOUR HEAD!

I don't know, does anyone have any duct tape?


Thank you.

Mumbles irritably

Alright zambahz, listen to me. For too long our beloved Ridleybank Resistance Front has been selfish. Yes, selfish! Back in the day's of Ridleybank's pomp, we would take our Excursion tours across the city, spreading Barhah to all. Sharing the glory of undeath with every breather who we found, as well as every meal the starving zambahz of other suburbs. Now though, and for far too long, we have concerned ourselves solely with our own needs and our own lands. We've protected Ridleybank, yes, and kept her beautifully ruined. But at what cost? Everything is wonderful in the Homeland. But in the rest of the city? Brazzahz an z!zzahz, I tell you it is a hell on earth. Barricades everywhere, zetheren. Barely a broken window in the whole town, much less a ruined building. And lights! Sweet Petrosjko, the eye-scorching lights are everywhere.

These are the hallmarks of neglect, zambahz. Signs that the city has fallen from the grace of Barhah. But there is far, far worse. I'm talking about a blight that has cursed this city since the first day of the quarantine, but which now rages out of control, striking down the innocent without mercy.

I am talking about REVIVE.

I know, I know brazzaz an z!zzahz. I hear your rage. It is an ugly word. One that burns your ears and fills you with dread. You fear the needle and stench of life. But I tell you all now that beyond our borders it is everywhere. Yes, EVERYWHERE! No zambah is safe. Even babahz are struck down by it and it is time that we, Malton's greatest horde, roared NAH MAHR!

We can and we will put and end to REVIVE in this city. We shall do it with the tooth, the claw and anything else that we have at our disposal. REVIVE itself will die!

But we are not mere killers, zetheren. It must not be our aim to oppress the harmanz. You have to understand that these needles and first aid kits are not tools to them. They are drugs and the harmanz are addicted to them. Addicted to life itself. They have made slaves of themselves, with REVIVE as the chain that binds them helpless to life. See their suffering for yourselves, zambahz.




How can you look upon these wretched specimens and feel anything but pity? We must not simply kill the harmanz. We must save them.

For this reason I am announcing that after almost a decade of isolation, the Ridleybank Resistance Front is striking out once more into the city, to bring an end to REVIVE and every drug that defies Barhah.


Every zambah in the Ridleybank Resistance Front is invited to join our forces and help free the city from REVIVE. We are going to crush the drug stores, the hospitals and, most of all, we are going to destroy the Necrotech buildings. Only by doing this can we end the threat of REVIVE, save our brazzahz an z!zzahz and free the harmanz from the shackles of their addiction. Now, in the name of every harman cursed with the addiction and every zambah struck down by its needles, ?rise up with me and bring sweet death back to Malton!