Tolman Power Station/News Archive

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The official history of the Tolman Power Station, from its discovery in 2006 till now.


November 2010

20th EHB++ and lit, thanks to the WWSIS and some new friends. Safe from zombies currently, but threatened by gkr's and pkr's. FrostyTheSnowman 07:37, 20 November 2010 (UTC)

April 2010

23rd Station currently EHB and unlit. Recent hordes plague Dentonside, nearby zeds threaten Tolman's security. Several surviviors still tend to the maintenance of Tolman through these trying times, noteably members of the WWSIS. --FrostyTheSnowman 14:28, 24 April 2010 (BST)

Febuary 2010

21th Entire station barricaded EHB++. Powered and lit for the past 2 weeks. All adjcent buildings also EHB++ and lit. FrostyTheSnowman 23:59, 21 Febuary 2010 (UTC)


October 2009

28th Entire station barricaded and powered. Squideshi 00:20, 29 October 2009 (UTC)

October 2009

16th The building has been ruined again.

June 2009

2nd For the first time in Rotter's Relief History, we managed to rebuild and cade Tolman Power Station. It is now ready to generate power once more.

January 2009


4 People Total in Both Buildings. Extremely Heavily Barricaded. 6 Zombies Outside South Block. -Chrisman873


October 2008

  • 8th Roughly 20 zombies in and outside the power station, both blocks are ruined. Angusburger, 17:08 8ths October 2008 (GMT)

July 2008

  • 17th Northern Block has two Zombies inside with no Humans (After I was done PKing him anyway) Southern block status is Unknown --Mianthadore 04:11, 18 July 2008 (BST)

June 2008

  • 21st Operation Firesale has been carried out. Both Power Station blocks are free of zeds and held at EHB. Surrounding buildings are also barricaded. Few zed attacks every day, but nothing serious. --USPEffect 22:08, 21 June 2008 (BST)
  • 18th I just passed by the Power Station. Few signs of survivors and a few Zeds in the area. It could be completely reclaimed by a small group of well-armed survivors easily now. --XterrorX 20:19, 18 June 2008 (BST)


  • 28th Operation Firesale is a go. The battle to take back the station is underway. currently 2 zeds inside. Many near or outside of building. Beware of incoming zed horde from the south. I can use all the help I can get. --USPEffect 20:31, 28 May 2008 (UTC)
  • 19th After a small fight, the Zeds succeeded in destroying the barricades and generators in both blocks. They also killed about four survivors. Maybe two survivors got away. --XterrorX 19:20, 19 May 2008 (BST)
  • 18th There are at this moment eight humans and five Zeds inside. The Zeds have broken through the barricades in the southern block, destroyed the generator and are now killing the survivors. However, the northern block is still barricaded and powered with a damaged generator. --XterrorX 21:09, 18 May 2008 (BST)


  • 7th Spent the night in the south half and woke up dead. Building is still EHB, can't figure out how it happened.--Arcticwolf2010 01:39, 7 April 2008 (BST)
  • 5th The north half is unbarricaded with two zombies inside and five outside. The south half is secure at EHB with no zombies outside. The surrounding blocks all have at least 1 zombie. No power is present in either section. --Arcticwolf2010 13:56, 5 April 2008 (BST)


  • 26th The group Lejnair Corp. Division 1 is using Tolman as an HQ and is working to restore the buildings around it.--MikhailA 01:50, 27 February 2008 (UTC)



  • 21st The Crooked Thumb is working on revitalizing the Power Station with daily clearing, rebuilding and recading. Come out and support us! We head out around 9 p.m. EST. ~ Otus Crow of The Crooked Thumb


  • 8 -Cleared from zeds, repaired and barricaded to vs+2



No information.


  • 25th - Tolman has once again been taken by survivors. with the help of a group called The Demons of Razgriz. The north section is powered and running. southern section need fuel. both sides are EHB. all local survivors, please come to hold this PS.
  • 12th - Tolman has been overrun with Zeds. All in all 45 of them crawling inside and around Tolman. Someone spraypainted propaganda messages against Dentonside Power and "Blake".
  • 2nd - Both Corners lit and have a reasonable number of survivors inside. Little zombie presence in the immediate area.

--Nimrod1 talk-DDF- 21:50, 2 June 2007 (BST)


  • Unknown Date - "its safe and how do i power it up"


  • 20th Not quite an emergency Mondernplauge. 8 zeds outside, survivors quite capable of handling the current situation. whats the deal with the south section, it has only two people in it and is left unchecked, it was at lightly at one stage. does it smell funny or something lol? Everythings fine. --Nimrod1 14:01, 19 April 2007 (BST)
  • 17th The Drama Club staged a performance of "Army of Darkness" at Tolman Power Station in the northern half as part of their Border Tour of Malton. The group plans to travel clockwise around the border suburbs of Malton with one show in each suburb. Today they performed for the lone survivor here as part of this tour. See their group page for performing groups and schedules.
  • 16 We have an emergency here! I went over to the power station and found 5 zeds outside, and the building was lightly barricaded!!! I strengthened the cades, but there are 2 zeds inside!!! Not only that, but the generator is damaged and low on feul. There are only 2 survivors inside, so you people need to get there ASAP! BTW:Since there were 2 zeds inside a lightly caded building, there must have been unreported breakins. This means that SOMEONE forgot to dump the dead bodies when they broke in.--Modernplague 6:54, 16 April 2007 (EST)


  • 19th Okay, I have started a revive point at cowdry walk, would anyone care to help? --Nimrod1 20:50, 21 March 2007 (UTC)
  • 14th After a brief firefight the Station was retaken this evening by the Dentonside Regulars and stands at EHB.
  • 9th Once the Dentonside Regulars are revived, they announced they will move in to protect the station and use it as a base of operations.
  • 7th Got both corners up to EHB, but lack of help has condemned Tolman to zombie control, over 10 zombies inside.The mall tour has been passing through so we have a battle on our hands! Shin-ra power company? Dentonside power? Where are you! There is only one person willing to defend tolman--Me! nimrod1
  • 3rd- 11 zombies at Bransom building knowing that there is survivors inside. Tolman remained ransaked until today.


  • 26th - Break in, resulting in two deaths there are only 2 people in Tolman. 5 zombies outside. Requesting assistance from all fronts.
  • 24th - Survivors are holding the place but help is needed. There needs to be around 10 people inside Tolman. There are 4 at the moment. Tolman will be taken if more survivors do not pitch in.
  • 6th - While still lacking survivors for a effective defense Tolman is once again reoccupied. Since the Winsley Avenue Police Department is now under survivors control, restocking ammunition for Tolman defense takes less time. Only a few zeds around Tolman right now.


  • 9th - Large increases in zombie numbers concentrated around the power station, around 40 in a ten block radius of Tolman. Northern half of station has 4 zombies, while southern half is extremly heavy barricaded and deserted.
  • 4th - Noteworthy fightings since the new year begun. Several break-ins with heavy and long resistance from survivors. Unfortunately the battle, and with this Tolman, was lost due well trained zombies and the lack of FAKs and survivors. But with this fighting spirit reoccupation is probably already in progress.
  • 3rd - Huge increase in zombie numbers around Dentonside, break-ins occurring around new year, overall everyone has to be on the lookout. Expecting More zombies into the area.
  • 28th - The plant still remains in survivor hands but the northern sector of Dentonside seems to be without power and people! The population is low in the whole of Dentonside. I would consider helping barricade the buildings all over the suburb in case any survivors who are low on AP decide to stop by!
  • 24th - Break ins are non existent, survivors occuping Tolman and keeping it's barricades at EHB. Dentonside as a whole suburb was very quiet these days. Stay sharp people and watch the barricades!



  • 29th - Tolman Power Station tends to be under human control and graffiti from a so called Dentonside Mafia has been propping up around the area. on another note the Simplicius General Hospital is open, ransacked and hoarding with zombies!


  • 23rd - Just like the rest of south Dentonside also Tolman Power Station is under Zombie control. No groups are currently facing the masses of Zeds roaming freely through what was once a shelter for survivors.
  • 12th - The Situation is still looking grim. Tolman is having it's problems with Zerging and Zombie Spies. There might be a group behind this.


  • 19th - A major overhaul in the plant. The zombies have taken the plant and some people are doing their best to try and clear the place up.
  • 15th - Minor break ins with no casualties. Tolman needs more people to check barricades regularly.
  • 5th - Tolman Power Station's occupants that work for Dentonside Power have been attacked by a pker called Osama bin Ladin , also many of the occupants of the plant are being targeted by him.
  • 3rd - Tolman Power Station now since a few weeks under survivors' control. Some minor break-ins with no casualties. People still keep surrounding buildings at EH barricaded which makes access Tolamn Power Station via connected buildings unnecessarily difficult.


  • Unknown date - Tolman Power Station discovered and cleared of Zombies.