User:A Helpful Little Gnome/House1KF

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The time is different, the space is the same. It's an eerie cold being bodiless, but it's not from touch. There is a man here.

» He is an example.

The man is hunched over an opened can of soup, it's a familiar one. He tilts the can with swelled hands, one noodle by two noodles, one slurp by two slurps. His diseased tongue catches the edge of the can; it is cut off by the metal. He throws up all over the floor.

» He is one of many examples. A repetition of precedent, something in perpetual existence, a cause for itself and yet is uncaused.

The man pretends to ignore it, but he knows what is coming. He finishes eating.

» He is a weak example, to be used for the stronger subject.
