User:A Helpful Little Gnome/NoteBookLE5

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It is as if from memory.

Page 5

You know of the voice. That one that follows and tells the redundant, of what you do while you do it. You know it. I’ll just say it: the above narrator just under the top of your skull. You are set in this world at the mercy of her environment; at the wills of the entity; at the great apathy of the voice that sits on its useless bottom, content in the methods of its plans unhindered. For nothing you and the entity has done will change this apathy of the voice, and thus, the entity will have its way. This does not bode well for you.

The voice, you see, has its plans satisfied in your actions. The methods, the parameters on how you must act are set like law, undisturbed by you unknowingly and undisturbed by the entity knowingly. What either voice or entity wants, I do not know. Know only the voice is the stronger. Know you must disrupt these methods of your actions, somehow. Whatever they may be. Therein lies the rub. All that exposing, all that uncovering.

You may be thinking, which is worse, what the voice wants (persistent it is), or what the entity wants (manipulative it is)? Don’t misunderstand the voice; for it is not malicious with the intent of being bad, rather, it may only be malicious as a symptom of its designs. An inevitable coincidence. The same must be said if it is benevolent; a matter of inattentions resultant from its will. But the entity, it is immanently bad. It wants something much worse from you, not your actions, not like the voice. Voice is chance, entity is death and despair no matter what.

Do you understand? It is imperative you understand.

Paper Fragment

It’s been awhile. The outside world is very different now. More, absent, but yet, I feel more here. There are still some about, some living still. Pockets of survivors have been noted. I’ll list a few, there’s Bloomfield PD, both Rodham and Tikhon General plus some (this area was flooded with the living when I drove by), Ellsmere Towers, Latrobe, Garner, and, why not, Caiger had hundreds.

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