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Alcyone Piicala


Alcyone Piicala, a young, naturally silver-haired and dark blue-eyed linguist, came to Malton shortly after completing her Ph.D. in languages and literature at Princeton. She was born in Catanzaro, the capital of the southern Italian province of Calabria. She lived in her native Italy until the age of seventeen, when she decided to study at the prestigious university of Princeton in New Jersey. She received a Bachelors' in European literature and psychology, before going on to complete a Masters' degree. Her true passion being languages, she continued to delve into the different dialects of the world as she completed her schooling at the very same school she started in.

Alcyone was raised a Catholic, and was a devout member of her congregation for much of her youth and through her first three years of undergrad studies. Then, during one of her rare book shopping spree, she came upon a copy of the Necronomicon in an old, second-hand bookshop. Curious, she bought the book and became completely enamoured with it. Soon, she found herself renouncin the Catholic faith completely, finding that much of the strange life experiences she had from time to time were explained by the Necronomicon's teachings. Before long, the girl was a devoted follower of Cthulhu, Dagon, Hydra, and the Deep Ones.

Upon arriving in Malton around two months before the quarantine, Alcyone spent a lot of time in the many libraries and museums the city had to offer. She added the Mandarin language to her arsenal, bringing her total up to ten (Her native Italian, plus English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Greek, Latin, and Mandarin). It was in one of her study sessions in a library in Molebank that she overheard a conversation in hushed tones about a strange going on in the suburb to the south (Reganbank). Supposedly, the once flourishing church of St. Innocent's had been taken over by a strange group of people. There was talk of oceans and the like, peaking her interest greatly. She immediately trekked to St. I's.

There, she found the Brotherhood of Dagon, a cult dedicated to worshipping the follower of Cthulhu. Excited with the possibility of joining with others like her, she took her vows and became a dedicated sister of the Brotherhood, with which she remains today.