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Alfred Randall Thomas
Main - Talk - Sacrifices

Starting Occupation: Police Officer
Group Membership: Esoteric Order of Dagon (Malton Division)
Goals: Spread the word of undying Dagon.
Username: Aphrandin
More details: Alphrandin Urban Dead profile

Alfred Thomas

Alfred Randall "Alfie" Thomas was a mediocre cop in the bustling suburb of Ridleybank when the outbreak started. He initially tried to find a safe haven from the outbreak, trying to glean any knowledge he could from nonviolent means, but after a stint as one of the undead, he no longer seems as reluctant to use force. He clings to his police cap, though now torn and bloodied. It is all that remains now to remind him of his old life.

During his younger years, he became involved with a cult: The Esoteric Order of Dagon. This cult glorifies the Old One, Dagon, and his fellows from the stars. Though Alfie has become less vigilant in his prayers to Dagon, he still wears the sigil under his shirt, and attempts to recruit new followers. In the light of this outbreak, he has returned to his faith, and believes that, even if he were to die, he would die for the glory of the Old Ones.

Changes Throughout the Game

Alfie Thomas started off as a survivor who would hide in houses and avoid any sort of violence, and, as such, did not grow very quickly. He ran to a library in Houldenbank as soon as he could, and tried to read enough to master the art of free running. This was a pipe dream however, as a small group of zombies broke in while he slept and did away with the poor man.

A short while later, the corpse stood up and proceeded to lash out at both human and zombie alike, desperately trying to make the world make sense, unable to speak, unable to use anything in the bag strapped to his back, and unable to save himself. He found himself drawn to an assault on a NecroTech building, and managed to smash apart the barricades, forcing entry.

This assault would be as short lived as his first attempts at survival in post-outbreak Malton, however, as a revivification syringe found its mark, and he was dumped outside by another survivor, not to see the inside of that building again. He awoke to find himself shot, bitten, and extremely ill. He staggered to a hospital, and was quickly treated for infection and serious bodily harm.

This trauma seems to have scarred him, however, as, after he recovered, he was seen wondering from his new safehouse, the Cowing Way Police Dept. to ajoining buildings, frantically unloading pistol rounds into what he thinks are more zombies, slumped on the ground, asleep, and dashing back to his home to search for more ammunition.

Recently he has taken to chanting under his breath, and performing "sacrifices" for his gods.


11.21.2010 : A tall thin man with a brown bristly mustache. There are dark bags under his eyes, evidence of his lost sleep. He stares ahead, fingering his long emptied police-issue revolver.

12.20.2010 : A tall figure with a conspicuous hole in the side of its head. It shambles with an eerie grace.

1.25.2011 : A tall thin man with a brown bristly mustache. There are dark bags under his eyes, evidence of his lost sleep. He fingers his recently loaded police-issue revolver,a slightly manic look in his eye.

2.1.2011: A tall thin man with a brown bristly mustache. There are dark bags under his eyes, evidence of his lost sleep. He fingers his recently loaded police-issue revolver,a slightly manic look in his eye. He seems to be muttering under his breath, holding tightly to an oddly-shaped medallion around his neck.