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I guess this will be "AntiMaim's" final note:

Today I wacked several of the Apocalypse Hoard. I could have wacked more of them, but I was starting to feel a little queasy about it. I decided to back away a bit, when my alt wandered across yet another living rotter, this one affiliated with Yet Another group called Vanguard Of Deathlords. Just like the A.H., this is a "human group" whose policy is this:

"We burn down your safehouses, we kill you and everyone else inside. Questions?"

I debated a bit, left and then came back. I put a few bullets into the guy named "Mo P" [1]... but my heart wasn't into it. I shouted a warning / explanation for my actions, but I left the guy alive.

In a way, this experience has soured the game for me. I don't like player killers in general. There is something especially disgusting about brain-rotted players who go to the trouble to be revived, then use that gift to kill. But what should I do about it? Avoid them? Endure them? Bad as those alternatives are, I'm not sure they are any worse than becoming a player killer myself.

I guess in the end, it comes down to emotion. I killed most of the guys who killed me and my friend. I didn't want to be sheriff. All I really wanted was revenge. Now I have that. Apparently, that's enough.

Well, after reviving, and recovering a bit, I took a little stroll. Things around the mall seemed pretty peaceful, considering. But what about the Horde's hideouts? Well, they weren't there, as you can imagine. No, they had retreated all the way to Club Fortescue [88,77] and Spragge Towers [87,77]! That's one or two whole squares! Man, they must be worried.

Some friends of mine decided to drop in and say howdy. Howdy, Ronald Tweeker! Howdy, Bushpig! Howdy, buttweevil! No, no, please, don't get up! We can find our own way out.

Of course, the Horde still has plenty of living members left in those buildings. Stay right there, fellas. Hopefully we'll get a chance to greet you soon as well!

<sigh> Very well, Roysten. You've won this round. And, I must admit, you're probably going to win all the other rounds too.

Actually, I was already pretty sympathetic to your situation, as described on your pages - i.e., bored, and surrounded by seemingly oblivious XP-sources. This experience, trying to rouse the righteous wrath of the people, has only added to that sympathy. I mean, if they won't even defend themselves, maybe they deserve to die.

Oh well. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I guess I'll wait until I get revived, and then look things over. Who knows? Maybe someday, I'll join you.

Have fun and good luck... bastards! -- Open Sore

Too late Open Sore. Nobody heeded your warnings and the Apocalypse Horde have struck. The mall is ours. Enjoy the scenery at the revive point. Nice try though and that was a good idea about tagging the area with details. Why didn't anyone pay attention? Odd.

Thanks for the update, Coopercat. So now it breaks down like this:

Living, brain-rotted PKers at [88,79] - the Spong Building in Osmondville:

"K R Kroenen": [2] "ronald tweeker": [3] "axesmak": [4] "suck it trebek": [5] "doc hayworth": [6] "buttweevil": [7]

Other living rotters there include "mr murderous", [8]. I haven't witnessed this player killing anybody.

Living, brain-rotted PKers at [88,78] - The Buttle Building in Osmondville:

"Stephen McQueen": [9] "Bushpig": [10] "Mr Richard Nixon": [11]

Other living rotters there include:

"Mr Muuurgh": [12] "undead baby": [13] "miguel san chez": [14] "corpsickle": [15] "Mr Boomhauer": [16] "Lex Talionis": [17]

Again, I haven't witnessed these players killing anybody.

As for the rest: "mister stay puft" is dead (for now) and "Herr Trigger" is missing.

Finally, to Roysten Crow: Your doubt is understandable, but irrelevant. I don't NEED proof. What, am I going to take these jerks to court? I watched these bastards kill players with my own eyes. Furthermore, a lot of other people got wacked at Lumber Mall. I don't have to convince them either. I don't even care particularly if someone wants to call ME a player-killer. I've already maxed my skills (except Brain Rot, of course). I have nothing left to play for but to take revenge on these guys. And I AM going to take revenge. I plan to kill them - every single one of them, and nobody else - if someone doesn't beat me to it.

Without screenshots, who knows what this is? PK ing on a supposed PK without proof. Very dubious

[Update] Well, one down. The boys have moved out of Joachim Mall, but I found several of them in the Sprong Building in Osmondville, at [88,79]. Good night, "mister stay puft". You wanted to be a rotter? Fine, stay dead.

The remaining known PKers at that location are "K R Kroenen": [18] "ronald tweeker": [19] "axesmak": [20] "buttweevil": [21] "suck it trebek": [22]

Also found with this lot was another living rotter - "mr murderous", [23]. I haven't seen him do anything yet, though his choice of friends is suggestive...

[Original] Here is a list of scumballs that I personally saw kill players in and around Lumber Mall around the end of July / beginning of August, 2006.

No, I didn't save screen shots. I just added them to my contacts list, prefering to hope that their PKing was just some private matter between willing parties.

Then I saw them kill someone I knew to be innocent... and then they killed me.

But you really don't need screen shots. Take a look at these profiles. They are all high level, and they are all alive, even though they have the Brain Rot skill.

Many are currently (7-Aug-2006) in The Buttle Building [88, 78] in Osmondville. "Stephen McQueen": [24] "Bushpig": [25] "Herr Trigger": [26] "buttweevil": [27] "ronald tweeker": [28] "doc hayworth": [29] "Mr Richard Nixon": [30] "axesmak": [31] "Alec Trebek": [32] "K R Kroenen": [33] "mister stay puft": [34]

There is, by the way, another living rotter at Joachim Mall. Note that I didn't personally see him kill anyone:

Furthermore, while I was looking for these guys, I happened to notice two other living rotters, this time at [43,9] in the NW corner of Bale Mall in East Boundwood. I know nothing about them, but you might want to keep an eye on them.

"SSJGotten": [35] "Tanza": [36]