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Lunar Aphelion

Prima Giedi

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I originally created Angetenar to see how the MOB ran things compared to the RRF and also because I consider myself a pro-zombie player but had no pure zombies for whatever reason. Currently running with Corsairs.

Idling Alts


Holy shit, Aphelion's playing a pro-survivor character? Can it be done, or will she start shooting people?! (I can't help it! I see the red HP and my finger just....slips....)

I created Gienah as a random scientist before I remembered Prima existed, and for a while I wandered around trying to be pro-survivor but generally failing at it. Like, I was operating an RP for a while, but aside from sticking the odd hapless newbie, all I really did was make snarky comments about harmanz with trenchy profiles at the RP and revive these PKers who kept hitting my NT. And I mean, they weren't even particularly good or amusing PKers--they didn't emote, for one--but you gotta entertain yourself somehow, I guess.

I eventually joined 404: Barhah not found because a bunch of my friends are in it I wanted to better understand how an effective breather group operates, both because this makes nahmming them easier and to do something different, and instantly had a lot more fun. 404 is pretty special; since it consists mostly of zombie players with harman alts, it brings the IRC whoring high degree of coordination enjoyed by undead strike teams to the survivor side, and it does things that are tactically sound (e.g. smart combat revives to clear buildings) even if they're unpopular. If you're looking for a harman group that's both a ton of fun and knows what the fuck it's doing, I highly recommend giving it a look.


"Batshit Insane: Eating brainz and taking names!"

Originated with the Mall Tour '09, then joined Batshit Insane after the tour ended. Wants your bra!nz!

Although I consider myself a pro-zombie player, Beid is one of only two zombie characters I have, and it cults when it gets CRed. Even though I don't regularly carry guns, I enjoy graffiti and broadcasts and baiting harmanz into shooting me too much to buy rot.