User:Chicken boi/CJ The Zombie Slayer
Lives on his own with his cat.
In the army for 6 years then sent to Malton Zoo to help the zoo keepers stop the riots in the Lobby. Then the riots stopped. He left the zoo keepers behind and left for home. There it was, up in flames. His cat was out at the time so he was safe. But the possesions he had lost! He wanted to kill every single zombie, twice. And Look for his cat.
1 Year Later
Found his cat! Skinny as a stick, but nevertheless, he found his cat. Had to let him go in a fire fight, but put a tracker on him (he was in a Necrotech office at the time) and his cats current position is at Caiger mall. He would go there but, he is trapped in a Police Station.
1 week Later
"Hordes of zombies invading...static...Came out of nowhere...static...'gun shots'...static...Help!!!"
CJ The Zombie Slayer is currently lvl 3 and has all Pistol training skills.