User:Colette Hart/International Axe Hating Week/Speeches
This is a transcription of the speeches made by Colette Hart during the annual IAHW.
2010 Speeches
2010 Inauguration Speech
Ladies and gentleman, survivors and zombies. Welcome to the First International Axe Hating Week. Today we have put our differences aside, to fight our common enemy: Axes. Since the dawn of humanity, when people put a stick and a stone together, axes have been a common plague in the world. Favored by barbarians and vikings, axes became weapons in the ancient world. We have now, however, reached an era of technological advance. Weapons have become more powerful over time. Unfortunately, some people still regard axes as trusted weapons. In an era of guns, why would we return to use axes? Those people, who dwell in the past and ignorance, are barbarians. They, and their hateful axes are our enemies. We have witnessed enough barbarism. It is time to bring an end to them and their axe culture!
In Malton, some people still favor axes over guns, despite of their lack of power, inaccuracy, unreliability and heavy weight. Axes are used by barbarian PKers and Zombie Hunters alike. Axes have no advantages. Axes must be stopped, at all costs! Therefore, I hereby declare that the First International Axe Hating Week has began! Go out there, and follow our protests. Down with the Axe Culture!!
--Colette Hart 16:57, 19 July 2010 (BST)
2010 Closure Speech
Today, the first International Axe Hating week has ended. However, the hatred towards the barbaric tools of ignorance is as strong as ever. We hope that the acts and protests we have helped make clear the minds of barbarians, and look at themselves closely. Hopefully, they will realize that the Axe Culture they fight for is nothing but a barbaric illusion.
Although the International Axe Hating Week only last seven days, our ideals will continue to grow and rise for the rest of the year, and we will continue our efforts to destroy the Axe Culture! Until the next year! --Colette Hart 06:34, 26 July 2010 (BST)